Exact Match:
- daub
- an unskillful painting
- material used to daub walls
- cover (a surface) by smearing (a substance) over it; "smear the wall with paint"; "daub the ceiling with plaster"
- apply to a surface; "daub paint onto the wall"
- abstract,
- abstraction,
- altarpiece,
- anamorphosis,
- anoint,
- apply paint,
- attaint,
- bad likeness,
- bedaub,
- bedizen,
- beeswax,
- begild,
- besmear,
- besmirch,
- besmoke,
- besmutch,
- besoil,
- bestain,
- black,
- blacken,
- block print,
- bloodstain,
- blot,
- blotch,
- blur,
- botch,
- brand,
- brush on paint,
- burlesque,
- butter,
- calcimine,
- caricature,
- cartoon,
- chalk,
- charcoal,
- coat,
- collage,
- color,
- color print,
- complexion,
- copy,
- cover,
- crayon,
- crosshatch,
- cyclorama,
- dab,
- dapple,
- darken,
- dash off,
- deep-dye,
- delineate,
- depict,
- design,
- diagram,
- dip,
- diptych,
- dirty,
- discolor,
- distemper,
- distortion,
- doodle,
- double-dye,
- draft,
- draw,
- dress,
- dye,
- emblazon,
- embrocate,
- enamel,
- engild,
- engraving,
- eyesore,
- face,
- fast-dye,
- fleck,
- flick,
- flyspeck,
- fresco,
- gild,
- glaze,
- gloss,
- glycerolate,
- grain,
- grease,
- grease the wheels,
- hatch,
- hue,
- icon,
- illuminate,
- illumination,
- illustration,
- image,
- imbue,
- ingrain,
- japan,
- lacquer,
- lard,
- lay on,
- lay on color,
- likeness,
- limn,
- lubricate,
- macula,
- maculation,
- macule,
- mark,
- miniature,
- misdraw,
- mispaint,
- montage,
- mosaic,
- mural,
- oil,
- paint,
- paint a picture,
- panorama,
- parget,
- parody,
- patch,
- pencil,
- photograph,
- picture,
- picturize,
- pigment,
- plaster,
- pomade,
- portray,
- prime,
- print,
- representation,
- reproduction,
- salve,
- scorch,
- scratch,
- scribble,
- scumble,
- sear,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shellac,
- singe,
- sketch,
- slap on,
- slather,
- slick,
- slick on,
- slop on paint,
- slubber,
- slur,
- smarm,
- smear,
- smear on,
- smirch,
- smoke,
- smooth the way,
- smouch,
- smudge,
- smut,
- smutch,
- soap the ways,
- soil,
- spatter,
- speck,
- speckle,
- splash,
- splatter,
- splotch,
- spot,
- spread on,
- spread with,
- stain,
- stained glass window,
- stencil,
- stigma,
- stigmatize,
- still life,
- stipple,
- sully,
- tableau,
- taint,
- tapestry,
- tar,
- tarnish,
- tinct,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tint,
- tone,
- trace,
- travesty,
- triptych,
- undercoat,
- unguent,
- variegate,
- varnish,
- wall painting,
- wash,
- wax,
- whitewash