Exact Match:
- decent
- conforming to conventions of sexual behavior; "speech in this circle, if not always decent, never became lewd"- George Santayana
- observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress; "a modest neckline in her dress"; "though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards"
- decently clothed; "are you decent?"
- socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous; "from a decent family"; "a nice girl"
- Christian,
- Christlike,
- Christly,
- OK,
- acceptable,
- accepted,
- accommodating,
- according to Hoyle,
- acknowledged,
- adequate,
- admissible,
- admitted,
- advantageous,
- advisable,
- affable,
- affectionate,
- agreeable,
- all right,
- amiable,
- ample,
- appropriate,
- approved,
- ascetic,
- austere,
- average,
- barely sufficient,
- becoming,
- befitting,
- being done,
- benevolent,
- benign,
- benignant,
- better than nothing,
- blameless,
- brotherly,
- chaste,
- civil,
- clean,
- comfortable,
- comme il faut,
- commensurate,
- common,
- compassionate,
- competent,
- complaisant,
- compliant,
- condign,
- conformable,
- conforming,
- congruous,
- considerate,
- convenient,
- conventional,
- correct,
- corresponding,
- courteous,
- creditable,
- customary,
- de rigueur,
- decorous,
- delicate,
- desirable,
- dignified,
- due,
- elegant,
- enough,
- equal to,
- erect,
- estimable,
- ethical,
- expedient,
- fair,
- fair to middling,
- fairish,
- fate,
- favorable,
- feasible,
- felicitous,
- fit,
- fitten,
- fitting,
- formal,
- fraternal,
- friendly,
- fructuous,
- full of integrity,
- generous,
- genteel,
- good,
- good enough,
- goodish,
- gracious,
- happy,
- high-minded,
- high-principled,
- highly respectable,
- honest,
- honorable,
- human,
- humane,
- immaculate,
- indulgent,
- inviolate,
- irreproachable,
- just,
- kind,
- kindhearted,
- kindly,
- kindly-disposed,
- kosher,
- law-abiding,
- law-loving,
- law-revering,
- likely,
- loving,
- manly,
- mannerly,
- mediocre,
- meet,
- middling,
- minimal,
- minimum,
- moderate,
- modest,
- moral,
- nice,
- noble,
- normal,
- normative,
- not amiss,
- not bad,
- not half bad,
- not outstanding,
- not so bad,
- obliging,
- okay,
- opportune,
- ordinary,
- orthodox,
- overindulgent,
- overpermissive,
- passable,
- permissive,
- plenty,
- plenty good enough,
- polite,
- politic,
- presentable,
- pretty good,
- principled,
- profitable,
- proper,
- proportionate,
- pure,
- reasonable,
- received,
- recognized,
- recommendable,
- reputable,
- respectable,
- right,
- right and proper,
- right-minded,
- righteous,
- rightful,
- rigid,
- satisfactory,
- seasonable,
- seemly,
- severe,
- so so,
- softhearted,
- sortable,
- spotless,
- stainless,
- sterling,
- strict,
- substantial,
- sufficient,
- sufficient for,
- sufficing,
- suitable,
- sympathetic,
- sympathizing,
- tasteful,
- tender,
- tenderhearted,
- thoughtful,
- tidy,
- timely,
- to be desired,
- tolerable,
- traditional,
- true-dealing,
- true-devoted,
- true-disposing,
- true-souled,
- true-spirited,
- truehearted,
- unblemished,
- uncorrupt,
- uncorrupted,
- undefiled,
- unexceptionable,
- unexceptional,
- unimpeachable,
- unimpressive,
- unobjectionable,
- unspotted,
- unstained,
- unsullied,
- untarnished,
- up to,
- upright,
- uprighteous,
- upstanding,
- urbane,
- useful,
- virtuous,
- warm,
- warmhearted,
- well-bred,
- well-timed,
- wise,
- workmanlike,
- worthwhile,
- worthy,
- yeomanly