a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; based on the theories of Sigmund Freud; "his physician recommended psychoanalysis"
a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
a problematic situation that will eventually become dangerous if not addressed; "India is a demographic time bomb"; "the refugee camp is a ticking bomb waiting to go off"
preoccupation with what concerns human inner nature (especially ethical or ideological values); "Socrates' inwardness, integrity, and inquisitiveness"- H.R.Finch
the quality or state of being inward or internal; "the inwardness of the body's organs"
preoccupation especially with one's attitudes and ethical or ideological values; "the sensitiveness of James's characters, their seeming inwardness"; "Socrates' inwardness, integrity, and inquisitiveness"
a measuring instrument that sends out an acoustic pulse in water and measures distances in terms of the time for the echo of the pulse to return; "sonar is an acronym for sound navigation ranging"; "asdic is an acronym for antisubmarine detection investigation committee"
the learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries; "he studied medicine at Harvard"
(medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease
the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques