Exact Match:
- derelict
- a person unable to support himself
- failing in what duty requires; "derelict (or delinquent) in his duty"; "neglectful of his duties"; "remiss of you not to pay your bills"
- Bowery bum,
- DP,
- Ishmael,
- abandoned,
- battered,
- beachcomber,
- beat-up,
- beaten up,
- beggar,
- beggarly fellow,
- behindhand,
- blighter,
- broken-down,
- budmash,
- bum,
- bummer,
- caitiff,
- careless,
- cast-off,
- castaway,
- castoff,
- culpably negligent,
- declasse,
- decrepit,
- delinquent,
- deserted,
- desolate,
- devil,
- dilapidated,
- dilatory,
- dingy,
- disaffected,
- discard,
- discarded,
- disloyal,
- disowned,
- displaced person,
- disregardful,
- disused,
- dogie,
- down-and-out,
- drifter,
- drunkard,
- evictee,
- exile,
- expatriate,
- expellee,
- faded,
- faithless,
- false,
- fickle,
- floater,
- flotsam,
- flotsam and jetsam,
- forsaken,
- foundling,
- good-for-naught,
- good-for-nothing,
- heedless,
- hobo,
- human wreck,
- in ruins,
- inadvertent,
- inattentive,
- inconstant,
- irresponsible,
- jetsam,
- jettisoned,
- junk,
- lagan,
- laissez-faire,
- lax,
- lazzarone,
- left,
- leper,
- loafer,
- loose,
- lowlife,
- malingerer,
- marooned,
- mauvais sujet,
- mean wretch,
- mucker,
- neglected,
- neglectful,
- neglecting,
- negligent,
- no-good,
- noninterfering,
- nonrestrictive,
- not true to,
- of bad faith,
- off-guard,
- orphan,
- outcast,
- outcast of society,
- outcaste,
- outlaw,
- outside the gates,
- outside the pale,
- overly permissive,
- pariah,
- pauvre diable,
- permissive,
- persona non grata,
- pilgarlic,
- poor creature,
- poor devil,
- procrastinating,
- ramshackle,
- recreant,
- refuse,
- regardless,
- reject,
- rejected,
- relaxed,
- remiss,
- rubbish,
- ruined,
- ruinous,
- run-down,
- sad case,
- sad sack,
- scamping,
- seedy,
- shabby,
- skid-row bum,
- skimping,
- slack,
- slacker,
- slighting,
- slipshod,
- sloppy,
- slovenly,
- slummy,
- slurring,
- social outcast,
- solitary,
- stiff,
- street arab,
- sundowner,
- swagman,
- threadbare,
- tottery,
- tramp,
- trash,
- trothless,
- truant,
- tumbledown,
- unacceptable person,
- uncircumspect,
- uncouth,
- undependable,
- undesirable,
- unfaithful,
- unguarded,
- unloyal,
- unreliable,
- unrigorous,
- unsteadfast,
- untouchable,
- untrue,
- untrustworthy,
- unwary,
- unwatchful,
- vag,
- vagabond,
- vagrant,
- vaurien,
- waif,
- waifs and strays,
- wastrel,
- worthless fellow,
- wretch