Exact Match:
- disappear
- get lost, as without warning or explanation; "He disappeared without a trace"
- abandon,
- abscond,
- be all over,
- be annihilated,
- be consumed,
- be destroyed,
- be done for,
- be gone,
- be incognito,
- be no more,
- be past,
- be unseen,
- be wiped out,
- beat a retreat,
- become extinct,
- blush unseen,
- bow out,
- burrow,
- cease,
- cease to be,
- cease to exist,
- clear,
- come to naught,
- come to nothing,
- conk out,
- dematerialize,
- depart,
- die,
- die away,
- die out,
- dispel,
- disperse,
- dissipate,
- dissolve,
- do a fade-out,
- drop from sight,
- duck out,
- dwindle,
- elapse,
- end,
- erode,
- escape,
- escape notice,
- evacuate,
- evanesce,
- evaporate,
- exit,
- expire,
- fade,
- fade away,
- fade out,
- flee,
- fleet,
- flit,
- fly,
- go,
- go away,
- go into hiding,
- go on furlough,
- go on leave,
- go to ground,
- go underground,
- have run out,
- hide,
- hide away,
- hide out,
- hole up,
- lapse,
- leave,
- leave no trace,
- leave the scene,
- lie,
- lie close,
- lie doggo,
- lie hid,
- lie low,
- lie snug,
- masquerade,
- melt,
- melt away,
- melt like snow,
- pass,
- pass away,
- pass out,
- peg out,
- perish,
- peter out,
- play peekaboo,
- quit,
- remain anonymous,
- remove,
- retire,
- retire from sight,
- retreat,
- run out,
- sink,
- sink away,
- sit tight,
- slip away,
- slip off,
- slip out,
- sneak out,
- stay in hiding,
- succumb,
- suffer an eclipse,
- take cover,
- take leave,
- vacate,
- vanish,
- vanish from sight,
- vaporize,
- waste,
- waste away,
- wear a mask,
- wear away,
- withdraw