Exact Match:
- disapprove
- consider bad or wrong
- deem wrong or inappropriate; "I disapprove of her child rearing methods"
- abjure,
- attaint,
- ban,
- belittle,
- bespatter,
- blackball,
- blacken,
- blame,
- blot,
- blow upon,
- brand,
- brush aside,
- categorically reject,
- censure,
- chuck,
- chuck out,
- condemn,
- contemn,
- contradict,
- criticize,
- decline,
- decry,
- defame,
- defile,
- denounce,
- deny,
- deplore,
- deprecate,
- depreciate,
- despise,
- detract,
- disallow,
- disapprove of,
- discard,
- disclaim,
- discommend,
- discount,
- discountenance,
- disdain,
- disesteem,
- disfavor,
- dismiss,
- disown,
- disparage,
- dispraise,
- disregard,
- dissent from,
- except,
- exclude,
- expose,
- expose to infamy,
- expostulate,
- forswear,
- frown,
- frown at,
- frown down,
- frown upon,
- gibbet,
- grimace at,
- hang in effigy,
- ignore,
- knock,
- look askance at,
- look black upon,
- not approve,
- not go for,
- not hear of,
- not hold with,
- object,
- object to,
- oppose,
- ostracize,
- pass by,
- pass up,
- pillory,
- protest,
- push aside,
- put down,
- rebuff,
- recant,
- refuse,
- refuse to consider,
- reject,
- remonstrate,
- renounce,
- repel,
- reprehend,
- reprimand,
- reprobate,
- repudiate,
- repulse,
- run down,
- say no to,
- scout,
- shove away,
- slur,
- smear,
- soil,
- spurn,
- stain,
- stigmatize,
- sully,
- taint,
- take exception to,
- tarnish,
- think ill of,
- think little of,
- throw away,
- throw out,
- thumb down,
- turn away,
- turn down,
- turn out,
- view with disfavor,
- vilify,
- waive