- abash,
- addle,
- addle the wits,
- agitate,
- appall,
- astound,
- baffle,
- balk,
- ball up,
- becloud,
- bedazzle,
- befuddle,
- bewilder,
- blast,
- bother,
- brave,
- bug,
- cast down,
- chagrin,
- challenge,
- checkmate,
- circumvent,
- cloud,
- confound,
- confront,
- confuse,
- contravene,
- counter,
- counteract,
- countermand,
- counterwork,
- cross,
- dash,
- daze,
- dazzle,
- defeat,
- defy,
- destroy,
- discombobulate,
- discomfit,
- discompose,
- discountenance,
- dish,
- dismay,
- disorganize,
- disorient,
- disquiet,
- disrupt,
- disturb,
- electrify,
- elude,
- embarrass,
- entangle,
- faze,
- flummox,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- flutter,
- fog,
- foil,
- frustrate,
- fuddle,
- fuss,
- humiliate,
- jar,
- jolt,
- knock the chocks,
- maze,
- mist,
- mix up,
- moider,
- mortify,
- muddle,
- nonplus,
- perplex,
- perturb,
- pother,
- put out,
- puzzle,
- raise hell,
- rattle,
- rock,
- ruffle,
- ruin,
- sabotage,
- scotch,
- shake,
- shake up,
- shock,
- spike,
- spoil,
- stagger,
- stir,
- stonewall,
- stump,
- take aback,
- throw into confusion,
- thwart,
- trouble,
- unsettle,
- upset