Exact Match:
- disfavor
- an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group
- the state of being out of favor; "he is in disfavor with the king"
- abhor,
- alienation,
- aversion,
- bad books,
- bad character,
- bad name,
- bad odor,
- bad report,
- bad reputation,
- bad repute,
- ban,
- be hostile to,
- blackball,
- blackballing,
- breach,
- breach of friendship,
- break,
- categorically reject,
- cleavage,
- cleft,
- complaint,
- deprecate,
- dim view,
- disaffection,
- disaffinity,
- disagreement,
- disallow,
- disappointment,
- disapprobation,
- disapproval,
- disapprove,
- disapprove of,
- discommend,
- discontent,
- discontentedness,
- discontentment,
- discountenance,
- discredit,
- disenchantment,
- disesteem,
- disgrace,
- disgruntlement,
- dishonor,
- disillusion,
- disillusionment,
- disinclination,
- dislike,
- disliking,
- displeasure,
- disrelish,
- disrepute,
- disrespect,
- disruption,
- dissatisfaction,
- dissent,
- dissent from,
- distaste,
- distrust,
- disunion,
- disunity,
- divergence,
- dividedness,
- division,
- estrangement,
- evil repute,
- exclude,
- exclusion,
- falling-out,
- frown,
- frown at,
- frown down,
- frown upon,
- grimace at,
- hate,
- ignominy,
- ill fame,
- ill repute,
- ill-favor,
- indignation,
- indisposition,
- infamy,
- loathe,
- look askance at,
- look black upon,
- low estimation,
- low opinion,
- mislike,
- mistrust,
- not approve,
- not care for,
- not go for,
- not hear of,
- not hold with,
- object,
- object to,
- objection,
- obloquy,
- odium,
- open rupture,
- oppose,
- opposition,
- opposure,
- opprobrium,
- ostracism,
- ostracize,
- poor reputation,
- protest,
- public dishonor,
- recall of ambassadors,
- reject,
- rejection,
- rift,
- rupture,
- say no to,
- schism,
- separation,
- shady reputation,
- split,
- take exception to,
- think ill of,
- think little of,
- thumb down,
- thumbs-down,
- unhappiness,
- unsavory reputation,
- view with disfavor