Exact Match:
- disgruntled
- in a state of sulky dissatisfaction
- against,
- annoyed,
- bad-tempered,
- beefing,
- bellyaching,
- bitching,
- browned off,
- complaining,
- complaintful,
- con,
- crabbing,
- crabby,
- cranky,
- croaking,
- cross,
- disappointed,
- disapprobatory,
- disapproving,
- discontent,
- discontented,
- disenchanted,
- disillusioned,
- displeased,
- dissatisfied,
- dissenting,
- envious,
- exasperated,
- faultfinding,
- fed up,
- griping,
- grouchy,
- grousing,
- growling,
- grumbling,
- grumpy,
- ill-humored,
- ill-tempered,
- indignant,
- irritated,
- low,
- malcontent,
- malcontented,
- moody,
- murmuring,
- muttering,
- opposed,
- opposing,
- out of humor,
- peeved,
- peevish,
- petulant,
- poor,
- put out,
- querulant,
- querulous,
- rebellious,
- resentful,
- restive,
- restless,
- sulky,
- sullen,
- testy,
- turned-off,
- unaccepting,
- unaccommodating,
- unappreciative,
- unapproving,
- uncomplimentary,
- uneasy,
- unfavorable,
- unfulfilled,
- ungratified,
- unhappy,
- unsatisfied,
- vexed,
- whiny