Exact Match:
- dissent
- a difference of opinion
- (law) the difference of one judge's opinion from that of the majority; "he expressed his dissent in a contrary opinion"
- withhold assent; "Several Republicans dissented"
- Evangelicalism,
- Protestantism,
- Reform,
- Zwinglianism,
- abnegation,
- aggressiveness,
- agree to differ,
- agree to disagree,
- antagonism,
- antipathy,
- apostasy,
- argumentation,
- averseness,
- aversion,
- backlash,
- backwardness,
- balk,
- ban,
- be at cross-purposes,
- be at variance,
- be in dissent,
- be unmoved,
- be unwilling,
- beef,
- beefing,
- beg off,
- beg to differ,
- bellicosity,
- belligerence,
- bellyache,
- bellyaching,
- bickering,
- bitch,
- bitching,
- blackball,
- blackballing,
- boggle,
- break,
- break bounds,
- break off,
- break step,
- break up,
- categorically reject,
- challenge,
- clash,
- clashing,
- collide,
- collision,
- combative reaction,
- combativeness,
- complain,
- complain loudly,
- complaining,
- complaint,
- conflict,
- confront,
- confutation,
- contend with,
- contention,
- contentiousness,
- contradict,
- contradiction,
- contraposition,
- contrariety,
- contrast,
- controversy,
- counter,
- counteraction,
- counterposition,
- counterworking,
- crankiness,
- crotchetiness,
- cursoriness,
- declension,
- declination,
- declinature,
- decline,
- decline to accept,
- declining,
- defiance,
- demur,
- denial,
- departure,
- deprivation,
- destructive criticism,
- deviation,
- differ,
- difference,
- differentiate,
- dim view,
- disaccord,
- disaccordance,
- disagree,
- disagree with,
- disagreement,
- disallow,
- disallowance,
- disappointment,
- disapprobation,
- disapproval,
- disapprove,
- disapprove of,
- disclaim,
- disclaimer,
- disclamation,
- disconformity,
- discongruity,
- discontent,
- discontentedness,
- discontentment,
- discord,
- discord with,
- discordance,
- discordancy,
- discrepancy,
- discreteness,
- disenchantment,
- disesteem,
- disfavor,
- disgruntlement,
- disharmony,
- disillusion,
- disillusionment,
- disinclination,
- disobedience,
- disparity,
- displeasure,
- dispute,
- disrelish,
- disrespect,
- dissatisfaction,
- dissension,
- dissent from,
- dissentience,
- dissidence,
- dissimilarity,
- dissonance,
- distaste,
- distinction,
- distinctness,
- disunify,
- disunion,
- disunity,
- divaricate,
- diverge,
- divergence,
- divergency,
- diversify,
- diversity,
- divide,
- divide on,
- drop out,
- exclude,
- exclusion,
- face down,
- face out,
- face up to,
- faction,
- factiousness,
- far cry,
- faultfinding,
- flak,
- foot-dragging,
- fractiousness,
- friction,
- front,
- frown at,
- frown down,
- frown upon,
- grievance,
- grimace at,
- gripe,
- griping,
- groan,
- groaning,
- grouse,
- grousing,
- grudging consent,
- grudgingness,
- grumbling,
- heterodoxy,
- heterogeneity,
- hold out against,
- holding back,
- holler,
- howl,
- inaccordance,
- incompatibility,
- incongruity,
- inconsistency,
- inconsonance,
- indignation,
- indisposedness,
- indisposition,
- indocility,
- inequality,
- infighting,
- inharmoniousness,
- inharmony,
- interference,
- intractableness,
- irascibility,
- irreconcilability,
- irritability,
- jangle,
- jar,
- jarring,
- jostle,
- kick,
- kick against,
- kicking,
- lack of enthusiasm,
- lack of zeal,
- litigiousness,
- look askance at,
- look black upon,
- low estimation,
- low opinion,
- make a stand,
- make waves,
- meet head-on,
- misbelief,
- mismatch,
- mismate,
- mixture,
- murmuring,
- mutinousness,
- nay,
- negate,
- negation,
- negative,
- negative answer,
- negativism,
- new theology,
- nix,
- no,
- nolition,
- nonacceptance,
- nonagreement,
- noncompliance,
- nonconcurrence,
- nonconform,
- nonconformance,
- nonconformism,
- nonconformity,
- nonconsent,
- noncooperation,
- nonobservance,
- not agree,
- not approve,
- not buy,
- not comply,
- not conform,
- not consent,
- not go for,
- not hear of,
- not hold with,
- not think of,
- object,
- object to,
- objection,
- obstinacy,
- odds,
- offer resistance,
- oppose,
- opposition,
- opposure,
- oppugnance,
- oppugnancy,
- opt out,
- originality,
- ostracism,
- ostracize,
- otherness,
- partisan spirit,
- partisanship,
- passive resistance,
- peeve,
- peevishness,
- perfunctoriness,
- perverseness,
- pet peeve,
- petulance,
- protest,
- pugnacity,
- quarrelsomeness,
- querulousness,
- reaction,
- rebuff,
- recalcitrance,
- recalcitrancy,
- recalcitrate,
- recalcitration,
- recantation,
- recoil,
- recusance,
- recusancy,
- refractoriness,
- refusal,
- refuse,
- refuse consent,
- reject,
- rejection,
- relieve,
- reluct,
- reluctance,
- remonstrance,
- remonstrate,
- renitence,
- renitency,
- repellence,
- repellency,
- repercussion,
- repudiate,
- repudiation,
- repugnance,
- repulse,
- repulsion,
- resist entreaty,
- resist persuasion,
- resistance,
- retention,
- revolt,
- rock the boat,
- say nay,
- say no,
- say no to,
- schism,
- scolding,
- secede,
- separateness,
- show fight,
- shrewishness,
- shy,
- slowness,
- sniping,
- squawk,
- squawking,
- stand,
- stand aloof,
- stand at bay,
- stand up against,
- stand up to,
- stickle,
- strife,
- strive against,
- stubbornness,
- sulk,
- sulkiness,
- sulks,
- sullenness,
- swimming upstream,
- take exception,
- take exception to,
- take issue,
- think ill of,
- think little of,
- thumb down,
- thumbs-down,
- turn down,
- turndown,
- unconformity,
- uncooperativeness,
- unenthusiasm,
- unhappiness,
- unharmoniousness,
- unlikeness,
- unorthodoxy,
- unwillingness,
- variance,
- variate,
- variation,
- variegate,
- variegation,
- variety,
- vary,
- view with disfavor,
- vote nay,
- vote negatively,
- whining,
- withdraw,
- withhold assent,
- withholding,
- withstand,
- withstanding,
- yapping