Exact Match:
- distortion
- the mistake of misrepresenting the facts
- the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean
- a change for the worse
- a change (usually undesired) in the waveform of an acoustic or analog electrical signal; the difference between two measurements of a signal (as between the input and output signal); "heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion"
- aberrancy,
- aberration,
- abstractionism,
- abuse of terms,
- anamorphosis,
- apparent soundness,
- bad likeness,
- birdies,
- birthmark,
- blackhead,
- bleb,
- blemish,
- blister,
- blooping,
- blurping,
- botch,
- bulla,
- burlesque,
- caricature,
- casuistry,
- catachresis,
- check,
- cicatrix,
- circularity,
- coloring,
- comedo,
- confabulation,
- contorting,
- crack,
- crater,
- craze,
- daub,
- defacement,
- defect,
- defectiveness,
- deflection,
- deflexure,
- deformation,
- deformity,
- delusion,
- deviancy,
- diffraction,
- diffusion,
- disfiguration,
- disfigurement,
- disingenuousness,
- dispersion,
- eisegesis,
- equivocalness,
- equivocation,
- errancy,
- erroneousness,
- error,
- evasive reasoning,
- exaggeration,
- expressionism,
- fallaciousness,
- fallacy,
- false coloring,
- false swearing,
- falseness,
- falsification,
- falsifying,
- falsity,
- fault,
- faultiness,
- feedback,
- flaw,
- flawedness,
- flection,
- flexure,
- flutter,
- fluttering,
- freckle,
- garbling,
- gloss,
- hamartia,
- hemangioma,
- heresy,
- heterodoxy,
- hickey,
- hissing,
- howling,
- hum,
- hyperbole,
- illusion,
- inaccuracy,
- injustice,
- insincerity,
- jesuitism,
- jesuitry,
- keloid,
- kink,
- lentigo,
- litotes,
- malconformation,
- malentendu,
- malformation,
- malobservation,
- milium,
- misapplication,
- misapprehension,
- miscitation,
- miscoloring,
- misconception,
- misconstruction,
- misdoing,
- misdrawing,
- misexplanation,
- misexplication,
- misexposition,
- misfeasance,
- misintelligence,
- misinterpretation,
- misjudgment,
- mispainting,
- misquotation,
- misreading,
- misrendering,
- misreport,
- misrepresentation,
- misshape,
- misstatement,
- misteaching,
- mistranslation,
- misunderstanding,
- misuse of words,
- mole,
- motorboating,
- mystification,
- needle scar,
- nevus,
- nonrealism,
- obfuscation,
- obscurantism,
- overdrawing,
- overstatement,
- oversubtlety,
- parody,
- peccancy,
- perjury,
- perversion,
- philosophism,
- pimple,
- pit,
- plausibility,
- plausibleness,
- pock,
- pockmark,
- port-wine mark,
- port-wine stain,
- prevarication,
- pustule,
- rationalization,
- refraction,
- rift,
- rumble,
- scab,
- scar,
- scatter,
- scratch,
- scratching,
- scribble,
- sebaceous cyst,
- self-contradiction,
- shredding,
- sin,
- sinfulness,
- skewness,
- slanting,
- sophism,
- sophistical reasoning,
- sophistication,
- sophistry,
- special pleading,
- speciosity,
- specious reasoning,
- speciousness,
- split,
- squeals,
- squeezing,
- static,
- straining,
- strawberry mark,
- sty,
- subtlety,
- torsion,
- torturing,
- track,
- travesty,
- twist,
- twisting,
- understatement,
- unorthodoxy,
- untrueness,
- untruth,
- untruthfulness,
- verruca,
- vesicle,
- vicious circle,
- vicious reasoning,
- wale,
- warp,
- wart,
- weal,
- welt,
- wen,
- whistles,
- whitehead,
- woomping,
- wow,
- wowwows,
- wrenching,
- wrong,
- wrongness