Exact Match:
- dizzy
- having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling; "had a dizzy spell"; "a dizzy pinnacle"; "had a headache and felt giddy"; "a giddy precipice"; "feeling woozy from the blow on his head"; "a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff"
- make dizzy or giddy; "a dizzying pace"
- addle,
- addlebrained,
- addled,
- addleheaded,
- addlepated,
- adrift,
- afloat,
- alternating,
- amorphous,
- apish,
- asinine,
- babbling,
- ball up,
- batty,
- beery,
- befooled,
- befuddle,
- befuddled,
- beguiled,
- bemused,
- besotted,
- bewilder,
- bewildered,
- blear-witted,
- blind drunk,
- brainless,
- buffoonish,
- capricious,
- cause vertigo,
- changeable,
- changeful,
- cockeyed,
- confounded,
- confused,
- crapulent,
- crapulous,
- crazy,
- credulous,
- daffy,
- daft,
- dazed,
- dazzled,
- delirious,
- desultory,
- deviable,
- distracted,
- doting,
- drenched,
- drunk,
- drunken,
- dumb,
- eccentric,
- empty-headed,
- erratic,
- exorbitant,
- extravagant,
- extreme,
- faint,
- far-gone,
- fast and loose,
- fatuitous,
- fatuous,
- featherbrained,
- featherheaded,
- fickle,
- fitful,
- flaky,
- flickering,
- flighty,
- flitting,
- fluctuating,
- fluster,
- flustered,
- fluttery,
- foggy,
- fond,
- fool,
- foolheaded,
- foolish,
- fou,
- freakish,
- frivolous,
- fuddle,
- fuddlebrained,
- fuddled,
- full,
- futile,
- gaga,
- gay,
- giddy,
- giddy-brained,
- giddy-headed,
- giddy-pated,
- giddy-witted,
- glorious,
- goofy,
- gulled,
- happy,
- harebrain,
- harebrained,
- idiotic,
- imbecile,
- immoderate,
- impetuous,
- impulsive,
- in liquor,
- inane,
- incoherent,
- inconsistent,
- inconstant,
- indecisive,
- inebriate,
- inebriated,
- inebrious,
- inept,
- infatuated,
- infirm,
- inordinate,
- insane,
- intoxicate,
- intoxicated,
- irregular,
- irresolute,
- irresponsible,
- jolly,
- kooky,
- light,
- light-headed,
- lightheaded,
- loony,
- mad,
- maudlin,
- mazy,
- mellow,
- mercurial,
- merry,
- mix up,
- moody,
- moronic,
- muddle,
- muddled,
- muddleheaded,
- muddybrained,
- muzzy,
- nappy,
- nutty,
- off,
- puzzled,
- puzzleheaded,
- rambling,
- ranting,
- rattlebrained,
- rattleheaded,
- rattlepated,
- raving,
- reeling,
- restless,
- roving,
- sappy,
- scatterbrained,
- scramblebrained,
- screwy,
- senseless,
- sentimental,
- shapeless,
- shatterbrained,
- shifting,
- shifty,
- shikker,
- shuffling,
- silly,
- skittish,
- sodden,
- sotted,
- spasmodic,
- spineless,
- stupid,
- swimming,
- swirl the senses,
- thoughtless,
- throw off,
- tiddly,
- tipsy,
- tottering,
- towering,
- turned around,
- unaccountable,
- uncertain,
- unconscionable,
- uncontrolled,
- undependable,
- under the influence,
- undisciplined,
- undue,
- unfixed,
- unmeasurable,
- unpredictable,
- unreliable,
- unrestrained,
- unsettled,
- unstable,
- unstable as water,
- unstaid,
- unsteadfast,
- unsteady,
- vacillating,
- vagrant,
- variable,
- vertiginous,
- vicissitudinary,
- vicissitudinous,
- volatile,
- wacky,
- wandering,
- wanton,
- wavering,
- wavery,
- wavy,
- wayward,
- wet,
- whimsical,
- whirl the mind,
- whirling,
- wishy-washy,
- witless,
- woozy