Exact Match:
- duplicate
- a copy that corresponds to an original exactly; "he made a duplicate for the files"
- being two identical
- identically copied from an original; "a duplicate key"
- make or do or perform again; "He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick"
- make a duplicate or duplicates of; "Could you please duplicate this letter for me?"
- Doppelganger,
- Janus-like,
- Photostat,
- Xerox,
- Xerox copy,
- actual thing,
- alike,
- all one,
- all the same,
- ambidextrous,
- analogous,
- bifacial,
- bifold,
- biform,
- bilateral,
- binary,
- binate,
- biparous,
- bivalent,
- carbon,
- carbon copy,
- clone,
- come again,
- companion,
- comparable,
- conduplicate,
- conduplication,
- consubstantial,
- copy,
- copying,
- correspondent,
- corresponding,
- counterpart,
- dead ringer,
- disomatous,
- ditto,
- do a repeat,
- do again,
- do over,
- double,
- double-faced,
- doubling,
- dual,
- dupe,
- duple,
- duplex,
- duplication,
- echo,
- effigy,
- equal,
- equivalent,
- exact counterpart,
- exact likeness,
- exactly alike,
- facsimile,
- fellow,
- geminate,
- geminated,
- gemination,
- hectograph,
- homograph,
- homonym,
- homoousian,
- homophone,
- icon,
- idem,
- identic,
- identical,
- identical same,
- idol,
- image,
- imitate,
- imitation,
- indistinguishable,
- ingeminate,
- ingemination,
- iteration,
- just alike,
- like,
- likeness,
- living image,
- living picture,
- make over,
- manifold,
- match,
- matching,
- mate,
- microcopy,
- microfilm,
- mimeo,
- mimeograph,
- miniature,
- mirroring,
- model,
- multigraph,
- multiply by two,
- no other,
- none other,
- of a kind,
- of a piece,
- of a size,
- one,
- parallel,
- paralleling,
- parrot,
- photocopy,
- photograph,
- picture,
- plagiarize,
- portrait,
- quadruplicate,
- quote,
- re-create,
- re-form,
- rebuild,
- reconstitute,
- reconstruct,
- redesign,
- redo,
- redouble,
- reduplicate,
- reduplication,
- reecho,
- reestablish,
- refashion,
- reflection,
- refound,
- regenerate,
- regurgitate,
- reincarnate,
- reinstitute,
- reissue,
- reiteration,
- remake,
- renew,
- renovate,
- reorganize,
- repeat,
- repetition,
- replica,
- replicate,
- replication,
- representation,
- reprint,
- reproduce,
- reproduction,
- resemblance,
- reshape,
- restore,
- restructure,
- resurrect,
- revise,
- revive,
- rubbing,
- same,
- say again,
- second,
- secondary,
- selfsame,
- semblance,
- shadow,
- similitude,
- simulacrum,
- spit and image,
- spitting image,
- stat,
- synonym,
- tantamount,
- the same,
- the same difference,
- trace,
- tracing,
- transcribe,
- triplicate,
- twin,
- twinned,
- twinning,
- two-faced,
- two-level,
- two-ply,
- two-sided,
- two-story,
- twofold,
- undifferent,
- very image,
- very picture,
- very same,
- without difference,
- without distinction