Exact Match:
- ectoplasm
- the outer granule-free layer of cytoplasm
- (spiritualism) a substance supposed to emanate from the body of the medium during a trance
- animal cell,
- aura,
- bioplast,
- cell,
- cellular tissue,
- cellule,
- chromatoplasm,
- coenocyte,
- corpuscle,
- cytoplasm,
- ectoplasy,
- effluvium,
- emanation,
- endoplasm,
- energid,
- eucaryotic cell,
- exteriorized protoplasm,
- germ cell,
- plant cell,
- plasmodium,
- procaryotic cell,
- protoplasm,
- reticulum,
- somatic cell,
- syncytium,
- trophoplasm