Exact Match:
- equal
- well matched; having the same quantity, value, or measure as another; "on equal terms"; "all men are equal before the law"
- make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching; "let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office"; "The company matched the discount policy of its competitors"
- be identical or equivalent to; "One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!"
- be equal to in quality or ability; "Nothing can rival cotton for durability"; "Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues"; "Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents"
- accord,
- accordant,
- agent,
- agree,
- aligned,
- alike,
- alter ego,
- alternate,
- alternative,
- amount to,
- analogous,
- analogy,
- approach,
- at par,
- au pair,
- automatic,
- backup,
- balance,
- balanced,
- be parallel,
- beat,
- break even,
- brother,
- capable of,
- challenge comparison,
- change,
- changeable,
- changeling,
- coequal,
- coextend,
- coextending,
- coextensive,
- coincident,
- coincidental,
- coinciding,
- collateral,
- colleague,
- come to,
- come up to,
- commensurable,
- commensurate,
- commutable,
- commutative,
- comparable,
- compare,
- comparison,
- compeer,
- competitor,
- concurrent,
- congruent,
- congruous,
- consistent,
- consonant,
- constant,
- continuous,
- convertible,
- coordinate,
- copy,
- correspond,
- correspond to,
- correspondent,
- corresponding,
- coterminous,
- counterfeit,
- counterpart,
- deputy,
- dispassionate,
- distributional,
- distributive,
- ditto,
- double,
- draw,
- drawn,
- dummy,
- duplicate,
- emulate,
- equable,
- equal to,
- equalize,
- equalized,
- equalizing,
- equidistant,
- equilateral,
- equipollent,
- equispaced,
- equitable,
- equivalent,
- ersatz,
- eurythmic,
- even,
- even off,
- even stephen,
- exchange,
- exchanged,
- fair,
- fake,
- fellow,
- fifty-fifty,
- fill-in,
- finished,
- flat,
- ghost,
- ghostwriter,
- give-and-take,
- go alongside,
- go beside,
- half,
- half-and-half,
- halvers,
- harmonious,
- homogeneous,
- identic,
- identical,
- imitation,
- immutable,
- impartial,
- indistinguishable,
- interchangeable,
- interchanged,
- invariable,
- just,
- keep pace with,
- knot,
- knotted,
- level,
- like,
- lined up,
- locum tenens,
- makeshift,
- match,
- match up with,
- matching,
- mate,
- measure up,
- measure up to,
- measured,
- mechanical,
- meet,
- metaphor,
- methodic,
- metonymy,
- monolithic,
- mutual,
- next best thing,
- nip and tuck,
- nonconvergent,
- nondivergent,
- objective,
- of a piece,
- on a footing,
- on a level,
- on a par,
- on even ground,
- opposite number,
- ordered,
- orderly,
- par,
- parallel,
- parallelepipedal,
- parallelinervate,
- paralleling,
- parallelodrome,
- parallelogrammatic,
- parallelogrammic,
- parallelotropic,
- partake of,
- particular,
- peer,
- per capita,
- per head,
- permutable,
- persistent,
- personnel,
- phony,
- pinch hitter,
- pro rata,
- proportional,
- proportionate,
- proportioned,
- prorated,
- proxy,
- quits,
- reach,
- reciprocal,
- reciprocating,
- reciprocative,
- regular,
- relief,
- replacement,
- representative,
- reserves,
- respective,
- retaliatory,
- returnable,
- ringer,
- rival,
- robotlike,
- run abreast,
- run parallel,
- run to,
- second string,
- secondary,
- selfsame,
- several,
- sign,
- similar,
- smooth,
- spares,
- square,
- square with,
- stable,
- stack up with,
- stalemated,
- stand-in,
- standard,
- steadfast,
- steady,
- sub,
- substituent,
- substitute,
- substitution,
- succedaneum,
- superseder,
- supplanter,
- surrogate,
- swapped,
- switched,
- symbol,
- symmetric,
- symmetrical,
- synecdoche,
- synonymous,
- systematic,
- tally,
- tally with,
- tantamount,
- third string,
- tie,
- tied,
- token,
- top,
- touch,
- traded,
- transposed,
- twin,
- unbiased,
- unbroken,
- unchangeable,
- unchanged,
- unchanging,
- uncolored,
- understudy,
- undeviating,
- undifferentiated,
- undiversified,
- uniform,
- unprejudiced,
- unruffled,
- unvaried,
- unvarying,
- up to,
- utility player,
- vicar,
- vice-president,
- vice-regent,
- vie,
- vie with,
- well-balanced,
- well-set,
- well-set-up,
- without distinction