without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly'); "he spoke slowly"; "go easy here--the road is slippery"; "glaciers move tardily"; "please go slow so I can see the sights"
without question; "easily the best book she's written"
with ease (`easy' is sometimes used informally for `easily'); "she was easily excited"; "was easily confused"; "he won easily"; "this china breaks very easily"; "success came too easy"
(often followed by `of') not knowing or expecting; not thinking likely; "an unsuspecting victim"; "unsuspecting (or unaware) of the fact that I would one day be their leader"
not suspicious; "deceiving the unsuspecting public"
fill with sublime emotion; tickle pink; "The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies"; "He was inebriated by his phenomenal success"