deeply affected or marked by mental or physical pain or injury; "Could her scarred mind ever be free of fear?"; "a face scarred by anxiety"; "the fire left her arm badly scarred"
the eye unaided by any optical instrument that alters the power of vision or alters the apparent size or distance of objects; "it is not safe to look directly at the sun with the naked eye"
not giving satisfaction; "shops should take back unsatisfactory goods"; "her performance proved to be unsatisfactory"; "life is becoming increasingly unsatifactory"; "our discussion was very unsatisfactory"
showing a sense of guilt; "a guilty look"; "the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy"- Eric Linklater
responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; or marked by guilt; "guilty of murder"; "the guilty person"; "secret guilty deeds"; "a guilty conscience"; "guilty behavior"
not complete or total; not completed; "an incomplete account of his life"; "political consequences of incomplete military success"; "an incomplete forward pass"
not yet finished; "his thesis is still incomplete"; "an uncompleted play"