Exact Match:
- feeble
- lacking strength; "a weak, nerveless fool, devoid of energy and promptitude"- Nathaniel Hawthorne
- pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness; "a feeble excuse"; "a lame argument"
- abulic,
- afraid,
- aged,
- ailing,
- anemic,
- anile,
- asthenic,
- backward,
- barely audible,
- blear,
- bleared,
- bleary,
- bloodless,
- blurred,
- blurry,
- cachectic,
- chicken,
- confused,
- cowardly,
- crabbed,
- dark,
- debilitated,
- decrepit,
- decrescendo,
- delicate,
- dim,
- dim-witted,
- distant,
- dizzy,
- doddered,
- doddering,
- doddery,
- drained,
- drooping,
- droopy,
- dull,
- effete,
- emasculated,
- enervated,
- enfeebled,
- etiolated,
- exhausted,
- failing,
- faint,
- faint-voiced,
- fainthearted,
- faintish,
- feckless,
- feebleminded,
- filmy,
- flabby,
- flaccid,
- flimsy,
- floppy,
- foggy,
- forceless,
- fossilized,
- fragile,
- frail,
- fuzzy,
- gentle,
- gerontal,
- gerontic,
- gone,
- gutless,
- half-baked,
- half-heard,
- half-seen,
- half-visible,
- half-witted,
- hazy,
- healthless,
- helpless,
- ill-defined,
- imbecile,
- imperceptible,
- impotent,
- impuissant,
- in poor health,
- inadequate,
- inconclusive,
- inconspicuous,
- indefinite,
- indistinct,
- indistinguishable,
- ineffective,
- ineffectual,
- infirm,
- insignificant,
- insubstantial,
- insufficient,
- invalid,
- invertebrate,
- lame,
- languid,
- languishing,
- languorous,
- limber,
- limp,
- listless,
- low,
- low-profile,
- lustless,
- marrowless,
- merely glimpsed,
- misty,
- moribund,
- moronic,
- mossbacked,
- moth-eaten,
- mummylike,
- murmured,
- namby-pamby,
- nerveless,
- obscure,
- out of focus,
- pale,
- palsied,
- paltry,
- papery-skinned,
- peaked,
- peaky,
- pianissimo,
- piano,
- pithless,
- pliable,
- pooped,
- poor,
- powerless,
- puny,
- ravaged with age,
- reduced,
- reduced in health,
- rickety,
- rubbery,
- run to seed,
- run-down,
- rusty,
- sapless,
- scarcely heard,
- semivisible,
- senile,
- shadowy,
- shaky,
- shoddy,
- shriveled,
- sickly,
- simpleminded,
- sinewless,
- slack,
- slight,
- slow,
- slow-witted,
- soft,
- soft-sounding,
- soft-voiced,
- spineless,
- spiritless,
- strengthless,
- stricken in years,
- subaudible,
- subdued,
- thin,
- timeworn,
- tottering,
- tottery,
- unavailing,
- uncertain,
- unclear,
- unconvincing,
- undefined,
- unhardened,
- unhealthy,
- unmanned,
- unnerved,
- unplain,
- unproved,
- unrecognizable,
- unrigorous,
- unsatisfactory,
- unsound,
- unstrung,
- unsubstantial,
- unsustained,
- vague,
- valetudinarian,
- valetudinary,
- weak,
- weak-kneed,
- weak-minded,
- weak-voiced,
- weak-willed,
- weakened,
- weakly,
- wet,
- whispered,
- wishy-washy,
- with low resistance,
- withered,
- wizened,
- woozy