Exact Match:
- fell
- the act of felling something (as a tree)
- seam made by turning under or folding together and stitching the seamed materials to avoid rough edges
- cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow; "strike down a tree"; "Lightning struck down the hikers"
- sew a seam by folding the edges
- Draconian,
- Leatherette,
- Leatheroid,
- Tartarean,
- align,
- alkali flat,
- alluvial plain,
- animal,
- anthill,
- anthropophagous,
- appalling,
- astounding,
- atrocious,
- awe-inspiring,
- awesome,
- awful,
- baleful,
- barbaric,
- barbarous,
- barrow,
- basin,
- beastly,
- beat down,
- bend,
- bestial,
- bloodthirsty,
- bloody,
- bloody-minded,
- blow down,
- blow over,
- blow to pieces,
- blow up,
- bottomland,
- bowl down,
- bowl over,
- brae,
- brain,
- break,
- break down,
- bring down,
- brutal,
- brutalized,
- brute,
- brutish,
- bulldog,
- bulldoze,
- burn down,
- burn to death,
- bushveld,
- butte,
- campo,
- cannibalistic,
- cast down,
- champaign,
- champaign country,
- charge,
- chop down,
- coastal plain,
- coat,
- cock,
- conquer,
- cruel,
- cruel-hearted,
- crush,
- cut down,
- cut to pieces,
- cuticle,
- dangerous,
- dash down,
- deal a deathblow,
- deck,
- delta,
- demolish,
- demoniac,
- demoniacal,
- dermis,
- desert,
- detonate,
- devilish,
- diabolic,
- dire,
- direful,
- discharge,
- disintegrate,
- down,
- downs,
- dread,
- dreaded,
- dreadful,
- drop,
- drumlin,
- dune,
- eject,
- equalize,
- even,
- fearful,
- feral,
- ferocious,
- fetch down,
- fiendish,
- fiendlike,
- fierce,
- fire,
- fire off,
- flat,
- flat country,
- flatland,
- flats,
- flatten,
- fleece,
- flesh,
- floor,
- flush,
- foothills,
- formidable,
- frag,
- fur,
- furring,
- ghastly,
- ghoulish,
- give the quietus,
- grade,
- grass veld,
- grassland,
- grievous,
- grim,
- grisly,
- ground,
- gruesome,
- gun,
- gun down,
- gun for,
- heath,
- hellish,
- hew down,
- hide,
- hideous,
- hill,
- hillock,
- hit,
- horrendous,
- horrible,
- horrid,
- horrific,
- horrifying,
- humble,
- hummock,
- imitation fur,
- imitation leather,
- implacable,
- incinerate,
- infernal,
- inhuman,
- inhumane,
- integument,
- jacket,
- jugulate,
- kill,
- knob,
- knock down,
- knock over,
- knoll,
- lande,
- lapidate,
- lay,
- lay down,
- lay flat,
- lay level,
- lay low,
- lay out,
- leather,
- leather paper,
- let fly,
- let off,
- level,
- llano,
- load,
- lowland,
- lowlands,
- lunar mare,
- macabre,
- major,
- malefic,
- maleficent,
- malign,
- mare,
- master,
- mesa,
- mesilla,
- molehill,
- monticle,
- monticule,
- moor,
- moorland,
- morbid,
- mound,
- mow down,
- murderous,
- open country,
- outer layer,
- outer skin,
- override,
- pampa,
- pampas,
- pelt,
- peltry,
- peneplain,
- pepper,
- pick off,
- pistol,
- plain,
- plains,
- plateau,
- playa,
- plug,
- poleax,
- pot,
- potshoot,
- potshot,
- prairie,
- precipitate,
- prime,
- prostrate,
- pull down,
- put down,
- quell,
- rase,
- rawhide,
- raze,
- redoubtable,
- reduce,
- relentless,
- riddle,
- ride down,
- rind,
- roll,
- roll flat,
- ruthless,
- sadistic,
- salt flat,
- salt marsh,
- salt pan,
- sand dune,
- sanguinary,
- sanguineous,
- satanic,
- savage,
- savanna,
- schrecklich,
- sebkha,
- send headlong,
- serious,
- sharkish,
- sheath,
- shocking,
- shoot,
- shoot at,
- shoot down,
- shoot to death,
- shotgun,
- silence,
- sinister,
- skin,
- skins,
- slash,
- slavering,
- smash,
- smooth,
- smooth out,
- smoothen,
- snipe,
- spread-eagle,
- stab to death,
- steamroll,
- steamroller,
- steppe,
- stone,
- stone to death,
- strike,
- strike dead,
- subdue,
- subhuman,
- subjugate,
- supinate,
- suppress,
- swell,
- table,
- tableland,
- take a potshot,
- take down,
- tear down,
- tegument,
- terrible,
- terrific,
- throw,
- throw down,
- topple,
- torpedo,
- trample down,
- trample underfoot,
- tread underfoot,
- tree veld,
- tremendous,
- trip,
- truculent,
- tumble,
- tundra,
- ugly,
- unchristian,
- uncivilized,
- unhuman,
- unrelenting,
- upland,
- vair,
- vanquish,
- vaporize,
- vega,
- veld,
- vicious,
- weald,
- whack down,
- wide-open spaces,
- wold,
- wolfish