the opinion of a group as determined by voting; "they put the question to a vote"
a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative; "there were only 17 votes in favor of the motion"
the total number of votes cast; "they are hoping for a large vote"
a body of voters who have the same interests; "he failed to get the Black vote"
express one's preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution; cast a vote; "He voted for the motion"; "None of the Democrats voted last night"
bring into existence or make available by vote; "They voted aid for the underdeveloped countries in Asia"
express a choice or opinion; "I vote that we all go home"; "She voted for going to the Chinese restaurant"
express one's choice or preference by vote; "vote the Democratic ticket"
an animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa)
a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies
being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces fertilizable gametes (ova) from which offspring develop; "a female heir"; "female holly trees bear the berries"
for or pertaining to or composed of women or girls; "the female lead in the play"; "a female chorus"
characteristic of or peculiar to a woman; "female sensitiveness"; "female suffrage"
animal reproductive body consisting of an ovum or embryo together with nutritive and protective envelopes; especially the thin-shelled reproductive body laid by e.g. female birds
oval reproductive body of a fowl (especially a hen) used as food