Exact Match:
- fetishism
- sexual arousal or gratification resulting from handling a fetish (or a specific part of the body other than the sexual organs)
- a belief in the magical power of fetishes (or the worship of a fetish)
- Druidism,
- Parsiism,
- Sabaism,
- Zoroastrianism,
- active algolagnia,
- alchemy,
- algolagnia,
- algolagny,
- amphierotism,
- animal worship,
- autoeroticism,
- bewitchery,
- bisexuality,
- charm,
- coprophilia,
- demonism,
- demonolatry,
- devil worship,
- divination,
- enchantment,
- exhibitionism,
- fire worship,
- glamour,
- gramarye,
- heathenism,
- hero worship,
- heterosexuality,
- homoeroticism,
- homosexualism,
- homosexuality,
- hoodoo,
- iconoduly,
- iconolatry,
- idol worship,
- idolatrousness,
- idolatry,
- idolism,
- idolodulia,
- idolomancy,
- image worship,
- incest,
- incestuousness,
- juju,
- jujuism,
- lesbianism,
- magic,
- masochism,
- narcissism,
- natural magic,
- necromancy,
- necrophilia,
- obeah,
- paganism,
- paraphilia,
- passive algolagnia,
- pedophilia,
- phallic worship,
- phallicism,
- pyrolatry,
- rune,
- sadism,
- sadomasochism,
- sapphism,
- scotophilia,
- sexual inversion,
- sexual normality,
- sexual preference,
- shamanism,
- snake worship,
- sorcery,
- sortilege,
- spell,
- spellbinding,
- spellcasting,
- star worship,
- sun worship,
- swinging both ways,
- sympathetic magic,
- thaumaturgia,
- thaumaturgics,
- thaumaturgism,
- thaumaturgy,
- theurgy,
- transvestitism,
- tree worship,
- tribadism,
- tribady,
- vampirism,
- voodoo,
- voodooism,
- voyeurism,
- wanga,
- white magic,
- witchcraft,
- witchery,
- witchwork,
- wizardry,
- zooerastia,
- zoophilia