Exact Match:
- file
- a steel hand tool with small sharp teeth on some or all of its surfaces; used for smoothing wood or metal
- office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in order
- a set of related records (either written or electronic) kept together
- a line of persons or things ranged one behind the other
- place in a container for keeping records; "File these bills, please"
- record in a public office or in a court of law; "file for divorce"; "file a complaint"
- smooth with a file; "file one's fingernails"
- proceed in line; "The students filed into the classroom"
- Indian file,
- KP,
- ablate,
- abrade,
- abrase,
- achievement,
- aculeate,
- acuminate,
- alerion,
- alphabetize,
- aluminum oxide,
- ammunition box,
- analyze,
- animal charge,
- annulet,
- apply for,
- archives,
- argent,
- ark,
- armorial bearings,
- armory,
- arms,
- army,
- army group,
- arrange,
- array,
- articulation,
- ask,
- ask for,
- assort,
- attache case,
- auto polish,
- azure,
- backpack,
- bandeau,
- bandolier,
- bank,
- bar,
- bar sinister,
- barb,
- bark,
- baton,
- battalion,
- battery,
- battle group,
- bearings,
- beg leave,
- bend,
- bend sinister,
- bespeak,
- bibliography,
- billet,
- billfold,
- bin,
- blank,
- blazon,
- blazonry,
- book,
- boot,
- bordure,
- box,
- break down,
- briefcase,
- brigade,
- broad arrow,
- bulletin board,
- bundle away,
- bunker,
- buzz,
- cache,
- cadency mark,
- cadre,
- caisson,
- calendar,
- call for,
- canister,
- canton,
- capsula,
- capsule,
- card,
- card catalog,
- cardcase,
- carton,
- carve,
- case,
- casket,
- catalog,
- catalog card,
- catalogue raisonne,
- categorize,
- catena,
- catenation,
- cedar chest,
- chafe,
- chain,
- chain reaction,
- chaining,
- chalk,
- chalk up,
- chancery,
- chaplet,
- charge,
- check in,
- chest,
- chevron,
- chief,
- chirograph,
- chronicle,
- chronologize,
- cigarette case,
- cist,
- class,
- classified catalog,
- classify,
- coat of arms,
- cockatrice,
- codify,
- coffer,
- coffin,
- cohort,
- colcothar,
- column,
- combat command,
- combat team,
- compact,
- company,
- complete,
- concatenation,
- cone,
- connection,
- consecution,
- continuum,
- coronet,
- corps,
- corundum,
- course,
- crate,
- crave,
- crescent,
- crest,
- crib,
- crocus,
- cross,
- cross moline,
- crown,
- cuspidate,
- cut,
- cycle,
- data,
- defile,
- demand,
- deposit,
- descent,
- desire,
- detachment,
- detail,
- device,
- difference,
- differencing,
- digest,
- disc,
- dispatch box,
- divide,
- division,
- docket,
- document,
- documentation,
- dossier,
- drone,
- eagle,
- echelon,
- edge,
- emery,
- emery board,
- emery paper,
- endless belt,
- endless round,
- engrave,
- enroll,
- enscroll,
- enter,
- enumerate,
- envelope,
- erase,
- ermine,
- ermines,
- erminites,
- erminois,
- erode,
- escutcheon,
- etui,
- falcon,
- fess,
- fess point,
- field,
- field army,
- field train,
- file folder,
- file for,
- file off,
- files,
- filiation,
- filing box,
- filing card,
- filing system,
- fill out,
- film,
- finding list,
- flanch,
- fleur-de-lis,
- flying column,
- folder,
- folio,
- footslog,
- form,
- fray,
- frazzle,
- fret,
- fur,
- fusil,
- gall,
- gamut,
- garland,
- garnet,
- garrison,
- gnaw,
- gnaw away,
- go on parade,
- goose-step,
- gradation,
- grade,
- grate,
- grave,
- graze,
- griffin,
- grind,
- group,
- gules,
- gyron,
- handlist,
- hatchment,
- helmet,
- heraldic device,
- hike,
- holograph,
- holster,
- hone,
- honor point,
- hope chest,
- housewife,
- hum,
- hussy,
- hutch,
- impalement,
- impaling,
- impanel,
- incise,
- indent,
- index,
- index card,
- inescutcheon,
- information,
- inscribe,
- insert,
- instrument,
- inventory,
- itemize,
- jot down,
- keep score,
- kit,
- kitchen police,
- label,
- lay away,
- lay down,
- lay in,
- lay in store,
- legal document,
- legal instrument,
- legal paper,
- legion,
- letter file,
- library catalog,
- line,
- lineage,
- lion,
- list,
- lodge,
- log,
- lozenge,
- magnetic tape,
- make a memorandum,
- make a note,
- make a request,
- make a requisition,
- make an entry,
- make application,
- make out,
- maniple,
- mantling,
- march,
- march past,
- mark down,
- marshaling,
- martlet,
- mascle,
- matriculate,
- metal,
- microcard,
- microdot,
- microfiche,
- microfilm,
- minute,
- monotone,
- monstrance,
- motion-picture film,
- motto,
- mullet,
- mush,
- nail file,
- nexus,
- nombril point,
- note,
- note down,
- octofoil,
- official document,
- oilstone,
- or,
- order,
- ordinary,
- organization,
- organize,
- orle,
- ostensorium,
- outfit,
- pack away,
- packet,
- packing case,
- pale,
- paly,
- paper,
- papers,
- parade,
- parchment,
- pean,
- pendulum,
- periodicity,
- personal file,
- phalanx,
- pheon,
- phonograph record,
- pigeonhole,
- pigeonholes,
- pillbox,
- place,
- place upon record,
- platoon,
- platter,
- plenum,
- pod,
- point,
- polishes,
- poll,
- portfolio,
- posse,
- post,
- post up,
- powder box,
- powder train,
- program,
- progression,
- promenade,
- pumice,
- pumice stone,
- purpure,
- put away,
- put down,
- put in for,
- put in order,
- put in writing,
- put on paper,
- put on tape,
- quarter,
- quartering,
- queue,
- quiver,
- rack,
- range,
- rank,
- rasp,
- rate,
- raze,
- record,
- recurrence,
- reduce to writing,
- regiment,
- register,
- register office,
- registry,
- reliquary,
- reposit,
- request,
- requisition,
- reservoir,
- reset,
- reticulation,
- roll,
- rose,
- rotation,
- rottenstone,
- rouge,
- round,
- routine,
- row,
- rub away,
- rub off,
- rub out,
- run,
- sable,
- salt away,
- salt down,
- saltire,
- sand,
- sandblast,
- sandpaper,
- sarcophagus,
- scabbard,
- scale,
- schedule,
- score,
- scoreboard,
- scorecard,
- scoresheet,
- scour,
- scrape,
- scrip,
- script,
- scroll,
- scrub,
- scuff,
- scutcheon,
- section,
- sequence,
- series,
- set,
- set down,
- sharpen,
- sheath,
- shield,
- shoe polish,
- silicon carbide,
- silver polish,
- single file,
- skin,
- skippet,
- slip,
- snuffbox,
- socket,
- sort,
- spectacle case,
- spectrum,
- spiculate,
- spread eagle,
- spur,
- squad,
- squadron,
- stash,
- store,
- store away,
- stow,
- stow away,
- stow down,
- strap,
- string,
- strop,
- subdivide,
- submit,
- subordinary,
- succession,
- swath,
- systematize,
- tabulate,
- tactical unit,
- take down,
- tally,
- tape,
- tape-record,
- taper,
- task force,
- tea chest,
- tenne,
- thread,
- ticker tape,
- tier,
- till,
- tincture,
- tinderbox,
- torse,
- train,
- tramp,
- tressure,
- troop,
- type,
- unicorn,
- unit,
- vair,
- vanity case,
- vasculum,
- vert,
- videotape,
- walk,
- wallet,
- warehouse,
- wax,
- wear,
- wear away,
- whet,
- whistle for,
- windrow,
- wing,
- wish,
- wreath,
- writ,
- write,
- write down,
- write in,
- write out,
- write up,
- writing,
- yale