- Indian file,
- accord,
- addition,
- adjunct,
- affairs,
- affiliation,
- affinity,
- agnation,
- alliance,
- ancestry,
- apparentation,
- approximation,
- array,
- articulation,
- assemblage,
- association,
- bank,
- birth,
- blood,
- blood relationship,
- bloodline,
- bond,
- branch,
- breed,
- brotherhood,
- brothership,
- buzz,
- catena,
- catenation,
- chain,
- chain reaction,
- chaining,
- closeness,
- cognation,
- combination,
- common ancestry,
- common descent,
- concatenation,
- connectedness,
- connection,
- consanguinity,
- consecution,
- contiguity,
- continuum,
- contrariety,
- course,
- cousinhood,
- cousinship,
- cycle,
- dealings,
- deduction,
- derivation,
- descent,
- direct line,
- disjunction,
- distaff side,
- drone,
- enation,
- endless belt,
- endless round,
- extraction,
- family,
- fatherhood,
- female line,
- file,
- fraternity,
- gamut,
- gradation,
- homology,
- house,
- hum,
- intercourse,
- intimacy,
- junction,
- kindred,
- kinship,
- liaison,
- line,
- line of descent,
- lineage,
- link,
- linkage,
- linking,
- male line,
- maternity,
- matrilineage,
- matriliny,
- matrisib,
- matrocliny,
- monotone,
- motherhood,
- mutual attraction,
- nearness,
- nexus,
- offset,
- offshoot,
- paternity,
- patrilineage,
- patriliny,
- patrisib,
- patrocliny,
- pendulum,
- periodicity,
- phylum,
- plenum,
- powder train,
- progression,
- propinquity,
- proximity,
- queue,
- race,
- range,
- rank,
- rapport,
- recurrence,
- relatedness,
- relation,
- relations,
- relationship,
- reticulation,
- rotation,
- round,
- routine,
- row,
- run,
- scale,
- seed,
- sept,
- sequence,
- series,
- shoot,
- sibship,
- side,
- similarity,
- single file,
- sisterhood,
- sistership,
- spear side,
- spectrum,
- spindle side,
- sprout,
- stem,
- stirps,
- stock,
- strain,
- string,
- succession,
- swath,
- sword side,
- sympathy,
- thread,
- tie,
- tie-in,
- tier,
- ties of blood,
- train,
- union,
- windrow