Exact Match:
- foreboding
- an unfavorable omen
- a feeling of evil to come; "a steadily escalating sense of foreboding"; "the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case"
- abusive,
- actuarial prediction,
- advance notice,
- affect,
- affection,
- agitated,
- agitation,
- all-overish,
- all-overs,
- angst,
- anxiety,
- anxiety hysteria,
- anxiety neurosis,
- anxious,
- anxious bench,
- anxious concern,
- anxious seat,
- anxioused up,
- anxiousness,
- apocalypse,
- apocalyptic,
- apprehension,
- apprehensive,
- apprehensiveness,
- augury,
- bad,
- baleful,
- baneful,
- black,
- bludgeoning,
- blustering,
- bodeful,
- boding,
- bothered,
- browbeating,
- bulldozing,
- bullying,
- cankerworm of care,
- care,
- clairvoyance,
- commination,
- comminatory,
- concern,
- concerned,
- concernment,
- dark,
- denunciation,
- denunciatory,
- dire,
- disquiet,
- disquieted,
- disquietude,
- distress,
- disturbance,
- disturbed,
- doomful,
- doubt,
- dread,
- dreary,
- emotion,
- emotional charge,
- emotional shade,
- empty threat,
- evil,
- evil-starred,
- experience,
- fateful,
- fear,
- fear-inspiring,
- fearful,
- feeling,
- feeling tone,
- forebodingness,
- forecast,
- forecasting,
- forefeeling,
- foreknowing,
- foreknowledge,
- forerunning,
- foreseeability,
- foreshadowing,
- foreshowing,
- foresight,
- foretelling,
- foretoken,
- forewarning,
- forewisdom,
- funny feeling,
- gloomy,
- guesswork,
- gut reaction,
- heartthrob,
- hectoring,
- hunch,
- idle threat,
- ill,
- ill-boding,
- ill-fated,
- ill-omened,
- ill-starred,
- imminence,
- imminent,
- implied threat,
- impression,
- improbability,
- in a pucker,
- in a stew,
- inauspicious,
- inquietude,
- intimation,
- intimidating,
- intimidation,
- intuition,
- intuitive impression,
- lowering,
- malaise,
- menace,
- menacing,
- minacious,
- minatory,
- misgiving,
- nervous,
- nervous strain,
- nervous tension,
- nervousness,
- of evil portent,
- omen,
- ominous,
- on tenterhooks,
- overanxiety,
- overanxious,
- overapprehensive,
- passion,
- perturbation,
- perturbed,
- pins and needles,
- plenty of notice,
- portending,
- portent,
- portentous,
- preapprehension,
- precautional,
- precautionary,
- precautioning,
- precognition,
- precursive,
- precursory,
- prediction,
- prefiguration,
- prefigurement,
- prefiguring,
- premonition,
- premonitory,
- prenotice,
- prenotification,
- prenotion,
- presage,
- presaging,
- prescience,
- presentiment,
- preshowing,
- presignifying,
- prewarning,
- probability,
- prodromal,
- prodromic,
- profound sense,
- prognosis,
- prognostic,
- prognostication,
- promise,
- promise of harm,
- prophecy,
- prophesying,
- prospectus,
- pucker,
- qualm,
- qualmishness,
- reaction,
- response,
- sensation,
- sense,
- sentiment,
- sign,
- sinister,
- solicitous,
- solicitude,
- somber,
- soothsay,
- speculation,
- statistical prediction,
- stew,
- strain,
- strained,
- suspense,
- suspenseful,
- suspicion,
- sword of Damocles,
- tense,
- tension,
- terroristic,
- terrorizing,
- threat,
- threatening,
- threateningness,
- threatful,
- threatfulness,
- trouble,
- troubled,
- undercurrent,
- uneasiness,
- uneasy,
- unfavorable,
- unfortunate,
- unlucky,
- unpromising,
- unpropitious,
- unquietness,
- untoward,
- upset,
- vague feeling,
- vague idea,
- vaticination,
- vexation,
- warning,
- zeal,
- zealous