Exact Match:
- forgiveness
- the act of excusing a mistake or offense
- compassionate feelings that support a willingness to forgive
- Lethe,
- absentmindedness,
- absolution,
- acquittal,
- acquittance,
- allowance,
- amnesty,
- benevolence,
- clearance,
- clearing,
- clemency,
- commiseration,
- compassion,
- compurgation,
- condolence,
- decay of memory,
- destigmatization,
- destigmatizing,
- discharge,
- disculpation,
- dismissal,
- exculpation,
- excuse,
- exoneration,
- favor,
- feeling,
- forbearance,
- forgetfulness,
- forgetting,
- grace,
- hazy recollection,
- heedlessness,
- humanity,
- indulgence,
- kindness,
- leniency,
- mercifulness,
- mercy,
- mitigation,
- nepenthe,
- nirvana,
- obliteration,
- oblivion,
- obliviousness,
- pardon,
- pathos,
- pity,
- purgation,
- purging,
- quarter,
- quietus,
- quittance,
- release,
- relief,
- remission,
- reprieve,
- ruth,
- self-pity,
- short memory,
- shrift,
- sympathy,
- tolerance,
- unmindfulness,
- verdict of acquittal,
- vindication,
- waters of oblivion