Exact Match:
- glutton
- musteline mammal of northern Eurasia
- a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
- Brillat-Savarin,
- Cape polecat,
- Lucullus,
- ape,
- bar,
- bear,
- belly-god,
- board-and-roomer,
- boarder,
- bon vivant,
- cannibal,
- carnivore,
- cavy,
- chimp,
- chimpanzee,
- connoisseur of food,
- consumer,
- coon,
- cormorant,
- diner,
- diner-out,
- eater,
- eater-out,
- epicure,
- feeder,
- ferret,
- flesh-eater,
- foumart,
- fruitarian,
- gannet,
- gastronome,
- gorger,
- gormand,
- gormandizer,
- gourmand,
- gourmandizer,
- gourmet,
- grain-eater,
- graminivore,
- granivore,
- greedy eater,
- greedygut,
- greedyguts,
- groundhog,
- guinea pig,
- guttler,
- hedgehog,
- herbivore,
- high liver,
- hog,
- hungry mouth,
- husky eater,
- lactovegetarian,
- luncher,
- man-eater,
- meat-eater,
- monk,
- monkey,
- mousehound,
- mouth,
- omnivore,
- omophagist,
- opossum,
- pantophagist,
- phytophage,
- picnicker,
- pig,
- plant-eater,
- polecat,
- porcupine,
- possum,
- prairie dog,
- predacean,
- quill pig,
- raccoon,
- skunk,
- trencherman,
- trencherwoman,
- vegetarian,
- weasel,
- whistle-pig,
- wolverine,
- woodchuck,
- zoril