Exact Match:
- gob
- a lump of slimy stuff; "a gob of phlegm"
- Naval Reservist,
- Royal Marine,
- Seabee,
- accumulation,
- acervation,
- agglomerate,
- agglomeration,
- aggregate,
- aggregation,
- amassment,
- amount,
- ball,
- balloon,
- batch,
- bazoo,
- bit,
- bite,
- bladder,
- blob,
- block,
- bluejacket,
- boll,
- bolus,
- boot,
- bubble,
- budget,
- bulb,
- bulbil,
- bulblet,
- bulk,
- bunch,
- butt,
- cadet,
- champ,
- chaps,
- chaw,
- chew,
- chip,
- chomp,
- chops,
- chunk,
- clip,
- clipping,
- clod,
- clump,
- clutch,
- collop,
- congeries,
- conglobation,
- conglomerate,
- conglomeration,
- count,
- crumb,
- cud,
- cumulation,
- cut,
- cutting,
- deal,
- dollop,
- dose,
- ellipsoid,
- embouchure,
- end,
- fragment,
- frogman,
- gab,
- gathering,
- geoid,
- globe,
- globelet,
- globoid,
- globule,
- glomeration,
- glomerulus,
- gnash,
- gobbet,
- group,
- heap,
- horse marine,
- hunch,
- hunk,
- jaw,
- jaws,
- jolly,
- jowls,
- kisser,
- knob,
- knot,
- large amount,
- lips,
- loads,
- loaf,
- lot,
- lump,
- mandibles,
- marine,
- mass,
- maw,
- maxilla,
- measure,
- mess,
- midshipman,
- midshipmite,
- million,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- morsel,
- mouth,
- mouthful,
- mug,
- munch,
- mush,
- muzzle,
- naval cadet,
- navy man,
- nibble,
- nip,
- nugget,
- number,
- oblate spheroid,
- oodles,
- oral cavity,
- orb,
- orbit,
- orblet,
- pack,
- parcel,
- paring,
- part,
- particle,
- pat,
- pellet,
- piece,
- portion,
- premaxilla,
- prolate spheroid,
- quantities,
- quantity,
- quid,
- rasher,
- ration,
- rondure,
- row,
- scoop,
- scrap,
- shard,
- shaving,
- shiver,
- shred,
- slice,
- sliver,
- small amount,
- smithereen,
- snack,
- snap,
- snatch,
- snip,
- snippet,
- snowball,
- sphere,
- spheroid,
- spherule,
- splinter,
- stitch,
- stockpile,
- stump,
- sum,
- swabbie,
- swallow,
- tatter,
- trap,
- wad,
- wads,
- yap