- ache,
- aching,
- agitation,
- broken ground,
- broken water,
- chilblains,
- chill,
- chilliness,
- chilling,
- chills of fear,
- chop,
- cold creeps,
- cold shivers,
- cold sweat,
- corduroy,
- corduroy road,
- corrugation,
- creeps,
- cryopathy,
- disquiet,
- disquietude,
- dithers,
- duck bumps,
- fear and trembling,
- formication,
- frostbite,
- goose pimples,
- gooseflesh,
- heartquake,
- horripilation,
- inquietude,
- jimjams,
- kibe,
- lop,
- nervousness,
- palpitation,
- perturbation,
- quaking,
- quiver of terror,
- ripple,
- rough,
- sandpaper,
- shivering,
- shivers,
- sweat,
- thrill of fear,
- trepidation,
- trepidity,
- uneasiness,
- washboard