Exact Match:
- hardhearted
- devoid of feeling for others; "an unfeeling wretch"
- lacking in feeling or pity or warmth
- Philistine,
- brazen,
- callous,
- calloused,
- case-hardened,
- cold,
- cold of heart,
- coldblooded,
- coldhearted,
- conscienceless,
- flinthearted,
- flinty,
- hard,
- hard of heart,
- hard-boiled,
- hardened,
- heartless,
- impervious,
- indurated,
- insensitive,
- inured,
- lost to shame,
- obdurate,
- pachydermatous,
- proof against,
- seared,
- shameless,
- steeled against,
- steely,
- stony,
- stonyhearted,
- thick-skinned,
- unblushing,
- uncompassionate,
- unemotional,
- unfeeling,
- unmerciful,
- unnatural,
- unresponsive,
- unsympathetic