Exact Match:
- headfirst
- with the head foremost; "a headfirst plunge down the stairs"; "a headlong dive into the pool"
- a corps perdu,
- abruptly,
- carelessly,
- desperately,
- furiously,
- happen what may,
- hastily,
- head over heels,
- headforemost,
- headlong,
- heedlessly,
- heels over head,
- helter-skelter,
- holus-bolus,
- hotheadedly,
- hurriedly,
- hurry-scurry,
- impetuously,
- impulsively,
- like crazy,
- like mad,
- madly,
- overeagerly,
- overenthusiastically,
- overzealously,
- precipitantly,
- precipitately,
- precipitously,
- ramble-scramble,
- rashly,
- recklessly,
- slam-bang,
- slap-bang,
- slapdash,
- suddenly,
- wantonly,
- wildly