lacking in interest or care or feeling; "the average unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions...beyond the normal citizen's comprehension and control"; "blithely unconcerned about his friend's plight"
not occupied or engaged with; "readers unconcerned with style"
easy in mind; not worried; "the prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination"
idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way; "she was annoyingly lackadaisical and impractical"; "a...lackadaisical, spiritless young man-about-town"- P.G.Wodehouse
lacking in insight or discernment; "too obtuse to grasp the implications of his behavior"; "a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin"- Jasper Griffin