Exact Match:
- holiday
- a day on which work is suspended by law or custom; "no mail is delivered on federal holidays"; "it's a good thing that New Year's was a holiday because everyone had a hangover"
- Admission Day,
- Arbor Day,
- Armed Forces Day,
- Armistice Day,
- Army Day,
- Bastille Day,
- Christmas,
- Colorado Day,
- Constitution Day,
- Decoration Day,
- Dewali,
- Discovery Day,
- Double Ten,
- Easter Monday,
- Election Day,
- Empire Day,
- Evacuation Day,
- Flag Day,
- Foundation Day,
- Fourth of July,
- French leave,
- Groundhog Day,
- Halifax Day,
- Halloween,
- High Holiday,
- High Holy Day,
- Holi,
- Ides of March,
- Kuhio Day,
- Labor Day,
- Lenin Memorial Day,
- Loyalty Day,
- Maryland Day,
- May Day,
- Mecklenburg Day,
- Memorial Day,
- Midsummer Day,
- National Aviation Day,
- Navy Day,
- Nevada Day,
- Pan American Day,
- Pascua Florida Day,
- Pioneer Day,
- Remembrance Day,
- Roosevelt Day,
- State Day,
- Sunday,
- Texas Independence Day,
- United Nations Day,
- V-E Day,
- Victory Day,
- West Virginia Day,
- Wyoming Day,
- abeyance,
- abscondence,
- absence,
- absence without leave,
- absentation,
- absenteeism,
- absenting,
- anniversaries,
- bank holiday,
- break,
- caesura,
- cease-fire,
- celebrating,
- celebration,
- ceremony,
- church feast,
- coffee break,
- comfortable,
- commemoration,
- cut,
- day of festivities,
- day off,
- default,
- departure,
- disappearance,
- downtime,
- dressing ship,
- drop,
- escape,
- event,
- excused absence,
- fair,
- fanfare,
- fanfaronade,
- feast,
- feast day,
- festal,
- festival,
- festival day,
- festivity,
- fete,
- fete day,
- fixed feast,
- fleeing,
- flourish of trumpets,
- furlough,
- gala,
- gala day,
- go on furlough,
- go on leave,
- half time,
- half-time intermission,
- hesitation,
- high day,
- holy day,
- hooky,
- interim,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- intermission,
- intermittence,
- interregnum,
- interruption,
- interval,
- jubilee,
- lapse,
- layoff,
- leave,
- leave of absence,
- leaving,
- legal holiday,
- letup,
- liberty,
- lull,
- make holiday,
- marking the occasion,
- memorialization,
- memory,
- nonappearance,
- nonattendance,
- observance,
- off-time,
- ovation,
- paid holiday,
- paid vacation,
- pause,
- plateau,
- point of repose,
- quiet,
- quiet spell,
- recess,
- red-letter day,
- rejoicing,
- relief,
- religious rites,
- remembrance,
- remission,
- respite,
- rest,
- restful,
- resting point,
- revel,
- rite,
- ritual observance,
- running away,
- sabbatical,
- sabbatical leave,
- sabbatical year,
- salute,
- salvo,
- shore leave,
- sick leave,
- solemn observance,
- solemnization,
- stand-down,
- stay,
- suspension,
- take a holiday,
- take leave,
- testimonial,
- testimonial banquet,
- testimonial dinner,
- time off,
- time out,
- toast,
- tribute,
- triumph,
- truancy,
- truantism,
- truce,
- unexcused absence,
- vacation,
- vacational,
- weekend