Exact Match:
- hum
- a humming noise; "the hum of distant traffic"
- sing with closed lips; "She hummed a melody"
- make a low continuous sound; "The refrigerator is humming"
- sound with a monotonous hum
- be noisy with activity; "This office is buzzing with activity"
- Indian file,
- anthem,
- array,
- articulation,
- ballad,
- bank,
- bel canto,
- birdies,
- birr,
- blooping,
- blurping,
- bombilate,
- bombilation,
- bombinate,
- bombination,
- boom,
- booming,
- bravura,
- bum,
- burr,
- buzz,
- buzzing,
- carol,
- catena,
- catenation,
- chain,
- chain reaction,
- chaining,
- chant,
- chirp,
- chirrup,
- choir,
- choral singing,
- chorus,
- coloratura,
- concatenation,
- connection,
- consecution,
- continue the same,
- continuum,
- course,
- croon,
- crooning,
- cycle,
- descant,
- descent,
- distortion,
- do-re-mi,
- drag along,
- drag on,
- drone,
- droning,
- endless belt,
- endless round,
- falter,
- feedback,
- file,
- filiation,
- flutter,
- fluttering,
- folk singing,
- gamut,
- gradation,
- halt,
- haw,
- hem,
- hem and haw,
- hesitate,
- hissing,
- howling,
- hum and haw,
- humming,
- hymn,
- intonate,
- intonation,
- intone,
- lilt,
- line,
- lineage,
- low rumbling,
- lyricism,
- mammer,
- minstrel,
- monotone,
- motorboating,
- nexus,
- operatic singing,
- pendulum,
- periodicity,
- persist,
- pipe,
- plenum,
- powder train,
- prevail,
- progression,
- psalm,
- purr,
- purring,
- quaver,
- queue,
- range,
- rank,
- recurrence,
- reticulation,
- rotation,
- roulade,
- round,
- routine,
- row,
- rumble,
- run,
- run through,
- scale,
- scat,
- scat singing,
- scratching,
- sequence,
- serenade,
- series,
- shake,
- shredding,
- sing,
- sing in chorus,
- singing,
- single file,
- sol-fa,
- sol-fa exercise,
- solfeggio,
- solmizate,
- solmization,
- song,
- spectrum,
- squeals,
- stammer,
- static,
- string,
- stumble,
- stutter,
- succession,
- swath,
- thread,
- thrum,
- thrumming,
- tier,
- tonic sol-fa,
- train,
- tremolo,
- trill,
- troll,
- tweedle,
- tweedledee,
- twit,
- twitter,
- vocal music,
- vocalization,
- vocalize,
- warble,
- warbling,
- whir,
- whirring,
- whistle,
- whistles,
- whiz,
- whizzing,
- windrow,
- woomping,
- wow,
- wowwows,
- yodel,
- yodeling