Exact Match:
- in time
- in the correct rhythm; "the dancers moved in time with the music"
- without being tardy; "we made it to the party in time"
- a tempo,
- cyclically,
- daily,
- day by day,
- early enough,
- epochally,
- eventually,
- every day,
- every hour,
- hour by hour,
- hourly,
- in due course,
- in due season,
- in due time,
- in good time,
- in phase,
- in step,
- in sync,
- in tempo,
- just in time,
- on the beat,
- periodically,
- recurrently,
- rhythmically,
- seasonally,
- soon enough,
- synchronal,
- synchronic,
- synchronized,
- synchronous,
- synchronously,
- time enough,
- ultimately