Exact Match:
- insane
- afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement; "was declared insane"; "insane laughter"
- abnormal,
- absurd,
- apish,
- asinine,
- at fever pitch,
- batty,
- bedlamite,
- befooled,
- beguiled,
- bereft of reason,
- besotted,
- bonkers,
- brainless,
- brainsick,
- buffoonish,
- buggy,
- bughouse,
- bugs,
- certifiable,
- cockeyed,
- crackbrained,
- cracked,
- crackers,
- cranky,
- crazed,
- crazy,
- credulous,
- cuckoo,
- daffy,
- daft,
- dazed,
- delirious,
- deluded,
- demented,
- deprived of reason,
- deranged,
- disordered,
- disoriented,
- distraught,
- dizzy,
- doting,
- dotty,
- dull,
- dumb,
- eccentric,
- fanatical,
- fatuitous,
- fatuous,
- febrile,
- feverish,
- flaky,
- flighty,
- fond,
- fool,
- foolheaded,
- foolish,
- frantic,
- frenetic,
- frenzied,
- fruity,
- fuddled,
- furious,
- futile,
- gaga,
- goofy,
- gulled,
- hallucinated,
- hectic,
- hysteric,
- idiotic,
- imbecile,
- imbecilic,
- inane,
- inept,
- infatuated,
- irrational,
- irresponsible,
- kinky,
- kooky,
- loco,
- loony,
- loopy,
- ludicrous,
- lunatic,
- mad,
- maddened,
- maniac,
- maniacal,
- manic,
- maudlin,
- mazed,
- mental,
- mentally deficient,
- meshuggah,
- mindless,
- moon-struck,
- moronic,
- neurotic,
- non compos,
- non compos mentis,
- nonsensical,
- not all there,
- not right,
- nuts,
- nutty,
- odd,
- of unsound mind,
- off,
- out of it,
- overanxious,
- overdesirous,
- overeager,
- overenthusiastic,
- overzealous,
- perfervid,
- potty,
- psycho,
- psychoneurotic,
- psychotic,
- queer,
- quirky,
- reasonless,
- reckless,
- ridiculous,
- round the bend,
- sappy,
- scatterbrained,
- schizo,
- schizoid,
- schizophrenic,
- screwy,
- senseless,
- sentimental,
- sick,
- silly,
- spaced out,
- spacy,
- stark-mad,
- stark-staring mad,
- strange,
- stupid,
- tetched,
- thoughtless,
- touched,
- ultrazealous,
- unbalanced,
- unhinged,
- unrealistic,
- unsane,
- unsettled,
- unsound,
- wacky,
- wandering,
- wet,
- wild,
- witless