Exact Match:
- instrument
- the means whereby some act is accomplished; "my greed was the instrument of my destruction"; "science has given us new tools to fight disease"
- a device that requires skill for proper use
- a person used by another to gain an end
- address a legal document to
- write an instrumental score for
- equip with instruments for measuring, recording, or controlling
- Bourdon tube,
- Charlie McCarthy,
- Danish balance,
- Federal,
- Gramophone,
- Gyropilot,
- Mach meter,
- Roman balance,
- Teletype,
- Weightometer,
- X-ray machine,
- absolute altimeter,
- accelerometer,
- adapt,
- aerial reconnaissance camera,
- aerometer,
- aeroscope,
- agency,
- agent,
- air log,
- alloy balance,
- altigraph,
- altimeter,
- amanuensis,
- ammeter,
- analytical balance,
- ancilla,
- anemograph,
- anemometer,
- anemoscope,
- aneroid,
- antler,
- apparatus,
- apple-polisher,
- appliance,
- arrange,
- aspirator,
- ass-licker,
- assay balance,
- autograph,
- automatic pilot,
- autosyn,
- awl,
- backslapper,
- baggage agent,
- balance,
- balance of precision,
- barb,
- barbed wire,
- barblet,
- barbule,
- barbwire,
- barometer,
- barrel scale,
- beam,
- bedpan,
- blank,
- bodkin,
- bombing locator,
- bombsight,
- bootlick,
- bootlicker,
- bradawl,
- brown-nose,
- brownie,
- bullion balance,
- business agent,
- calorimeter,
- caltrop,
- card compass,
- carpet tack,
- cash register,
- catalyst,
- catheter,
- channel,
- cheval-de-frise,
- chirograph,
- chromatoscope,
- chronograph,
- chronometer,
- chuck,
- claim agent,
- clamp,
- clasp,
- clawback,
- clerk,
- clinch,
- clinical thermometer,
- clip,
- cockspur,
- commercial agent,
- commission agent,
- compact,
- compass,
- compose,
- consignee,
- contract,
- contraption,
- contrivance,
- control rod,
- counter scale,
- courtier,
- cramp,
- creature,
- cringer,
- customer agent,
- cylinder scale,
- device,
- diathermy machine,
- dibble,
- direction finder,
- docket,
- document,
- dog,
- dossier,
- drain,
- drum scale,
- dummy,
- dupe,
- electrocardiograph,
- electroencephalograph,
- electrograph,
- equipment,
- evaporimeter,
- facsimile telegraph,
- factor,
- fan scale,
- fawner,
- fed,
- federal agent,
- fid,
- file,
- fishhook,
- flatterer,
- flexure plate scale,
- flight recorder,
- flunky,
- footlicker,
- forceps,
- fork,
- form,
- freight agent,
- functionary,
- gadget,
- gaff,
- galvanometer,
- gauge,
- gauger,
- gear,
- general agent,
- gimcrack,
- gimlet,
- gimmick,
- gizmo,
- go-between,
- goad,
- goniometer,
- gosport,
- gosport tube,
- grab,
- grapnel,
- grapple,
- grappler,
- grappling iron,
- grip,
- groveler,
- gyrocompass,
- hand tool,
- handmaid,
- handmaiden,
- handshaker,
- harmonize,
- harpoon,
- hat pin,
- heat lamp,
- helot,
- hemostat,
- holdfast,
- holograph,
- hook,
- horn,
- hub dynamometer,
- hygrograph,
- hygrometer,
- hypo,
- hypodermic,
- hypodermic needle,
- hypsometer,
- icepick,
- implement,
- inclinometer,
- induction compass,
- instrumentality,
- instrumentate,
- instrumentation,
- insurance agent,
- interagent,
- intermediary,
- intermediate,
- intermedium,
- jackal,
- jaws,
- joy stick,
- kaleidoscope,
- kowtower,
- kymograph,
- lackey,
- lance,
- lancet,
- land agent,
- laser,
- law agent,
- led captain,
- legal document,
- legal instrument,
- legal paper,
- lever,
- lever scales,
- lickspit,
- lickspittle,
- literary agent,
- loan agent,
- long-arm balance,
- machine,
- machinery,
- magnetic compass,
- make an adaptation,
- manometer,
- marlinespike,
- mealymouth,
- mean,
- means,
- measure,
- measurer,
- mechanical device,
- mechanical heart,
- mechanism,
- mechanize,
- mediator,
- medium,
- melodize,
- meteorograph,
- meter,
- microfilm reader,
- micrometer,
- microscope,
- midwife,
- mill,
- minion,
- ministry,
- motorize,
- musicalize,
- nail,
- needle,
- news agent,
- nippers,
- octant,
- official,
- official document,
- optical altimeter,
- orchestrate,
- organ,
- oscillograph,
- otoscope,
- oxgoad,
- ozonometer,
- pact,
- pair of scales,
- paper,
- paper clip,
- papers,
- paraphernalia,
- parchment,
- pari-mutuel,
- pari-mutuel machine,
- parliamentary agent,
- passenger agent,
- pawn,
- peon,
- personal file,
- photometer,
- pike,
- pin,
- pincers,
- pitchfork,
- pitot-static tube,
- plate fulcrum scale,
- platform scale,
- plaything,
- pliers,
- pluviograph,
- pluviometer,
- pneumatograph,
- pneumatometer,
- potentiometer,
- power tool,
- precision balance,
- precision scale,
- precision tool,
- press agent,
- prime mover,
- prism,
- probe,
- prong,
- punch,
- puppet,
- purchasing agent,
- pus basin,
- put to music,
- pyrometer,
- quadrant,
- quill,
- radar,
- radio,
- radio compass,
- radio direction finder,
- radiogoniometer,
- range finder,
- rate-of-climb indicator,
- real estate agent,
- recording barometer,
- recording hygrometer,
- register,
- retool,
- robot pilot,
- roll,
- rowel,
- sales agent,
- scale,
- scales,
- scalpel,
- score,
- scrip,
- script,
- scroll,
- secretary,
- seismograph,
- seismoscope,
- serf,
- servant,
- set,
- set to music,
- sextant,
- sharpen,
- short-arm balance,
- skewer,
- slave,
- sound,
- sound recorder,
- spaniel,
- spearhead,
- special agent,
- spectrograph,
- spectrohelioscope,
- spectroscope,
- speculum,
- speed tool,
- spicule,
- spiculum,
- spike,
- spine,
- spiral balance,
- spirit level,
- spirometer,
- spit,
- splint,
- spur,
- staple,
- static tube,
- station agent,
- stereopticon,
- stethoscope,
- steward,
- sting,
- stooge,
- strike radar scanner,
- suck,
- sun compass,
- suture,
- swab,
- sycophant,
- syringe,
- tachometer,
- tack,
- tackle,
- tang,
- tape recorder,
- teletypewriter,
- telltale,
- theatrical agent,
- thermograph,
- thermometer,
- thermometrograph,
- thermostat,
- thingumabob,
- thingumajig,
- thingummy,
- throttle,
- thumbtack,
- ticker,
- ticket agent,
- timeserver,
- tine,
- toad,
- toady,
- tongs,
- tool,
- toy,
- transcribe,
- transit instrument,
- transpose,
- travel agent,
- trepan,
- trephine,
- truckler,
- tufthunter,
- turnstile,
- tweezers,
- utensil,
- variometer,
- vehicle,
- venturi tube,
- viewer,
- viscosimeter,
- vise,
- voting machine,
- walking delegate,
- way,
- weigh scales,
- weighbridge,
- weighing machine,
- weight voltameter,
- whatnot,
- wherewithal,
- wrench,
- writ,
- write,
- writing,
- yes-man,
- yoke