Exact Match:
- interest
- the power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.); "they said nothing of great interest"; "primary colors can add interest to a room"
- a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something; "an interest in music"
- (usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims; "the iron interests stepped up production"
- (law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something; "they have interests all over the world"; "a stake in the company's future"
- a fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed; "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage?"
- excite the curiosity of; engage the interest of
- absolute interest,
- absorb,
- absorption,
- accent,
- accrued dividends,
- accumulated dividends,
- acquisitiveness,
- activities,
- activity,
- advantage,
- advocacy,
- aegis,
- affair,
- affairs,
- affect,
- affect the interest,
- agacerie,
- allotment,
- allowance,
- allure,
- allurement,
- amusement,
- animate,
- answer to,
- appeal,
- appertain to,
- applicability,
- application,
- apply to,
- appositeness,
- appurtenance,
- arouse,
- attention,
- attentiveness,
- attract,
- attraction,
- attractiveness,
- auspices,
- authority,
- autism,
- avail,
- avocation,
- aye,
- backing,
- bag,
- bait,
- bank rate,
- be attractive,
- bear on,
- bear upon,
- bearing,
- beckon,
- beguilement,
- beguiling,
- behalf,
- behoof,
- belong to,
- benefit,
- benison,
- bewitchery,
- bewitchment,
- bias,
- big end,
- bigger half,
- birthright,
- bit,
- bite,
- blandishment,
- blessing,
- boon,
- breakaway group,
- bribe,
- bring,
- budget,
- business,
- cajolery,
- camp,
- campaign,
- capital gains,
- captivate,
- captivation,
- capture,
- care,
- careerism,
- carrot,
- carry,
- cash dividend,
- catch,
- catch up in,
- cathexis,
- caucus,
- cause,
- championship,
- charisma,
- charity,
- charm,
- charmingness,
- chunk,
- claim,
- cleanup,
- clear profit,
- come-hither,
- commerce,
- commission,
- commitment,
- common,
- compensatory interest,
- compound interest,
- con,
- concern,
- concernment,
- conjugal right,
- connect,
- connection,
- consequence,
- consequentiality,
- consideration,
- contingent,
- contingent interest,
- convenience,
- correspond to,
- countenance,
- crusade,
- cumulative dividend,
- curiosity,
- curious mind,
- curiousness,
- cut,
- deal,
- deal with,
- decide,
- demand,
- destiny,
- determine,
- discount rate,
- discrimination,
- dispose,
- diversion,
- dividend,
- dividends,
- divine right,
- division,
- doing,
- dole,
- drag,
- draw,
- draw in,
- drive,
- droit,
- due,
- earnings,
- easement,
- ego trip,
- egotism,
- embarrass,
- emphasis,
- employ,
- employment,
- enchantment,
- encouragement,
- end,
- engage,
- engagement,
- engross,
- engrossment,
- enlist,
- enmesh,
- entangle,
- enterprise,
- entertainment,
- enthrallment,
- enthusiasm,
- enticement,
- entrapment,
- equal share,
- equitable interest,
- equity,
- estate,
- ethnic group,
- excellence,
- excite,
- excite interest,
- excitement,
- exorbitant interest,
- extra dividend,
- faction,
- faculty,
- faith,
- fascinate,
- fascination,
- fate,
- favor,
- favoritism,
- fetch,
- fillip,
- filthy lucre,
- fire,
- flirtation,
- forbidden fruit,
- fosterage,
- function,
- gain,
- gains,
- germaneness,
- get,
- get to do,
- gettings,
- ghoulishness,
- glamour,
- gleanings,
- good,
- goodwill,
- graspingness,
- great cause,
- greed,
- gross,
- gross interest,
- gross profit,
- guidance,
- half,
- halver,
- have connection with,
- helping,
- high order,
- high rank,
- hoard,
- hobby,
- hold,
- holding,
- implicate,
- import,
- importance,
- inalienable right,
- incentive,
- incite,
- incitement,
- inclination,
- incline,
- income,
- individualism,
- induce,
- inducement,
- inequality,
- infect,
- influence,
- inquiring mind,
- inquisitiveness,
- inside track,
- interest group,
- interest in,
- interest rate,
- interestedness,
- interests,
- interim dividend,
- intrigue,
- inveiglement,
- investment,
- invitation,
- invite,
- involve,
- involve in,
- involvement,
- issue,
- itch for knowledge,
- job,
- killing,
- kindle,
- labor,
- lead,
- leaning,
- liaise with,
- lifework,
- limitation,
- link with,
- lively interest,
- lookout,
- lot,
- lucrative interest,
- lucre,
- lure,
- magnetism,
- makings,
- mark,
- mass movement,
- materiality,
- matter,
- matter of interest,
- measure,
- meddlesomeness,
- meed,
- melon,
- mental acquisitiveness,
- merit,
- mess,
- minority group,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- moment,
- morbid curiosity,
- mortgage points,
- move,
- movement,
- narcissism,
- natural right,
- nay,
- neat profit,
- nepotism,
- net,
- net interest,
- net profit,
- no,
- nosiness,
- note,
- notice,
- occupation,
- officiousness,
- offshoot,
- one-sidedness,
- optional dividend,
- paper profits,
- paramountcy,
- part,
- parti pris,
- partiality,
- participation,
- partisanism,
- partisanship,
- party,
- passion,
- pastime,
- patronage,
- payment,
- pelf,
- penal interest,
- percentage,
- perk,
- perks,
- perquisite,
- personal aims,
- personal ambition,
- personal desires,
- personalism,
- persuade,
- persuasive,
- pertain to,
- pertinence,
- phony dividend,
- pickings,
- piece,
- pique,
- plaque,
- plum,
- point,
- political party,
- portion,
- possessiveness,
- power,
- precedence,
- preeminence,
- preference,
- preferential treatment,
- premium,
- prerogative,
- prescription,
- pressure group,
- presumptive right,
- pretense,
- pretension,
- prevail upon,
- price,
- price of money,
- primacy,
- principle,
- priority,
- privatism,
- pro,
- proceeding,
- proceeds,
- procure,
- profit,
- profits,
- prompt,
- proper claim,
- property,
- property right,
- proportion,
- prosperity,
- provocation,
- provoke,
- prurience,
- prurient interest,
- prying,
- pull,
- pursuit,
- quantum,
- quicken,
- quota,
- rake-off,
- rate,
- rate of interest,
- ration,
- reason for being,
- receipts,
- refer to,
- reference,
- regard,
- regular dividend,
- relate to,
- relatedness,
- relaxation,
- relevance,
- remoteness,
- respect,
- return,
- returns,
- reward,
- right,
- right of entry,
- scopophilia,
- scrutiny,
- seconding,
- sect,
- seducement,
- seduction,
- seductiveness,
- segment,
- self-absorption,
- self-admiration,
- self-advancement,
- self-centeredness,
- self-consideration,
- self-containment,
- self-devotion,
- self-esteem,
- self-importance,
- self-indulgence,
- self-interest,
- self-interestedness,
- self-jealousy,
- self-occupation,
- self-pleasing,
- self-seeking,
- self-serving,
- self-solicitude,
- self-sufficiency,
- selfishness,
- selfism,
- service,
- settlement,
- sex appeal,
- share,
- side,
- significance,
- silent majority,
- simple interest,
- slice,
- small share,
- snare,
- snaring,
- special dividend,
- special favor,
- special interest,
- splinter,
- splinter group,
- sponsorship,
- stake,
- stimulate,
- stimulation,
- stimulative,
- stimulus,
- stock,
- stock dividend,
- store,
- stress,
- strict settlement,
- suck into,
- suction,
- summon,
- superiority,
- supremacy,
- sway,
- sweetener,
- sweetening,
- sympathy,
- take,
- take-in,
- talk into,
- tangle,
- tantalization,
- tantalize,
- tease,
- tempt,
- temptation,
- the affirmative,
- the negative,
- thing,
- thirst for knowledge,
- tickle,
- tie in with,
- titillate,
- title,
- touch,
- touch upon,
- transaction,
- treat of,
- trust,
- tutelage,
- undertaking,
- undetachment,
- undispassionateness,
- unneutrality,
- use,
- usury,
- value,
- vested interest,
- vested right,
- vocal minority,
- voyeurism,
- wealth,
- weight,
- welfare,
- well-being,
- whet,
- whet the appetite,
- wing,
- winning ways,
- winnings,
- winsomeness,
- witchery,
- wooing,
- work,
- world of good,
- worth