Exact Match:
- irreversible
- incapable of being reversed; "irreversible momentum toward revolution"
- beyond recall,
- beyond remedy,
- changeless,
- chronic,
- confirmed,
- constant,
- cureless,
- deep-dyed,
- deep-fixed,
- deep-rooted,
- deep-seated,
- deep-set,
- deep-settled,
- direct,
- dyed-in-the-wool,
- established,
- fast,
- final,
- fixed,
- gone,
- immediate,
- immedicable,
- immutable,
- implanted,
- incommutable,
- inconvertible,
- incorrigible,
- inculcated,
- incurable,
- indefeasible,
- inert,
- infixed,
- ingrained,
- inoperable,
- instilled,
- insusceptible of change,
- intransmutable,
- invariable,
- inveterate,
- irreclaimable,
- irrecoverable,
- irredeemable,
- irreformable,
- irremediable,
- irreparable,
- irretrievable,
- irrevocable,
- lasting,
- long-established,
- lost,
- noble,
- nonreturnable,
- nonreversible,
- one-way,
- past hope,
- past praying for,
- permanent,
- remediless,
- reverseless,
- rooted,
- ruined,
- set,
- settled,
- settled in habit,
- straight,
- straightaway,
- straightforward,
- straightway,
- terminal,
- thorough,
- unalterable,
- unalterative,
- unaltered,
- unbroken,
- unchangeable,
- unchanged,
- unchanging,
- undeflectable,
- undeviating,
- undone,
- unidirectional,
- uninterrupted,
- unmitigable,
- unmodifiable,
- unrelievable,
- unremitting,
- unrestorable,
- unreturnable,
- unsalvable,
- unsalvageable,
- unsusceptible,
- unswerving,
- unvariable,
- unvarying