Exact Match:
- judgmental
- depending on judgment; "a judgmental error"; "I think that she is too judgmental to be a good therapist"
- abusive,
- blackening,
- blameful,
- censorious,
- condemnatory,
- contemptuous,
- critical,
- damnatory,
- denunciatory,
- deprecative,
- deprecatory,
- depreciative,
- derisive,
- disparaging,
- execrating,
- execrative,
- execratory,
- invective,
- inveighing,
- judicative,
- judicial,
- judiciary,
- judicious,
- juridic,
- juristic,
- objurgatory,
- priggish,
- reproachful,
- reprobative,
- reviling,
- ridiculing,
- scoffing,
- vilifying,
- vituperative