Exact Match:
- junk
- any of various Chinese boats with a high poop and lugsails
- Amytal,
- Amytal pill,
- Demerol,
- Dolophine,
- H,
- Luminal,
- Luminal pill,
- M,
- Mickey Finn,
- NG,
- Nembutal,
- Nembutal pill,
- Seconal,
- Seconal pill,
- Tuinal,
- Tuinal pill,
- addictive drug,
- alcohol,
- amobarbital sodium,
- analgesic,
- anodyne,
- barb,
- barbiturate,
- barbiturate pill,
- bark,
- bawley,
- bilander,
- black stuff,
- blue,
- blue angel,
- blue devil,
- blue heaven,
- blue velvet,
- boot out,
- bounce,
- brig,
- brigantine,
- bully,
- buss,
- calmative,
- candy,
- caravel,
- cashier,
- cast,
- cast aside,
- cast out,
- castaway,
- castoff,
- cat,
- catamaran,
- cheap,
- cheat,
- chloral hydrate,
- chuck out,
- clamjamfry,
- clinquant,
- clipper,
- codeine,
- codeine cough syrup,
- collateral,
- corsair,
- corvette,
- counterfeit,
- cutter,
- dandy,
- dangerous drug,
- debris,
- defenestrate,
- depressant,
- depressor,
- derelict,
- detrude,
- dhow,
- discard,
- discharge,
- dogie,
- dolly,
- dope,
- downer,
- dromond,
- drug,
- dummy,
- dust,
- eject,
- exclude,
- expel,
- extrude,
- fake,
- fakement,
- fishing smack,
- flattie,
- flotsam,
- flotsam and jetsam,
- forgery,
- foundling,
- four-masted bark,
- four-master,
- frame-up,
- fraud,
- frigate,
- galiot,
- galleass,
- galleon,
- garbage,
- give the hook,
- good-for-naught,
- good-for-nothing,
- goofball,
- hard drug,
- hard stuff,
- heave out,
- heroin,
- hoax,
- hooker,
- hop,
- horse,
- hoy,
- hypnotic,
- ice yacht,
- imitation,
- impostor,
- jetsam,
- jettison,
- junky,
- keelboat,
- kelter,
- ketch,
- kick downstairs,
- kick out,
- knockabout,
- knockout drops,
- lagan,
- lateen,
- lateener,
- laudanum,
- liquor,
- litter,
- lorcha,
- lotus,
- lugger,
- lumber,
- meperidine,
- methadone,
- mock,
- morphia,
- morphine,
- narcotic,
- no-account,
- no-good,
- nobby,
- not worth having,
- not worth mentioning,
- not worthwhile,
- nugacious,
- nugatory,
- obtrude,
- ocean racer,
- offal,
- opiate,
- opium,
- orphan,
- oust,
- outrigger,
- pacifier,
- pain killer,
- paregoric,
- paste,
- pen yan,
- pension off,
- phenobarbital,
- phenobarbital sodium,
- phony,
- pilot boat,
- pinchbeck,
- pinnace,
- piragua,
- pirogue,
- pram,
- pungy,
- purple heart,
- put out,
- put-on,
- put-up job,
- quietener,
- racing yacht,
- raff,
- rainbow,
- red,
- refuse,
- reject,
- remove,
- retire,
- riffraff,
- rigger,
- rip-off,
- rubbish,
- rubble,
- sailing auxiliary,
- sailing canoe,
- sailing dinghy,
- sailing packet,
- sailing trawler,
- sampan,
- sandbagger,
- scag,
- schooner,
- scooter,
- scrap,
- secobarbital sodium,
- sedative,
- shabby,
- shallop,
- sham,
- sharpie,
- shipentine,
- shit,
- shoddy,
- simulacrum,
- skipjack,
- sleep-inducer,
- sleeper,
- sleeping draught,
- sleeping pill,
- sloop,
- slough,
- smack,
- smack boat,
- snow,
- sodium thiopental,
- somnifacient,
- soother,
- soothing syrup,
- soporific,
- stuff,
- superannuate,
- swindle,
- tar,
- tartan,
- throw away,
- throw out,
- throw overboard,
- thrust out,
- tinsel,
- topsail schooner,
- toss out,
- tranquilizer,
- trash,
- trashy,
- trimaran,
- trivial,
- truck,
- turn out,
- turps,
- valueless,
- waif,
- waifs and strays,
- wash out,
- waste,
- wastrel,
- well smack,
- whaler,
- white stuff,
- whited sepulcher,
- wool-clipper,
- worthless,
- xebec,
- yacht,
- yawl,
- yellow,
- yellow jacket