Exact Match:
- labyrinthine
- resembling a labyrinth in form or complexity; "a labyrinthine network of tortuous footpaths"
- relating to or affecting or originating in the inner ear; "labyrinthine deafness"
- Byzantine,
- Gongoresque,
- Johnsonian,
- aberrant,
- aberrative,
- affected,
- ambagious,
- anamorphous,
- anfractuous,
- askew,
- asymmetric,
- balled up,
- bedizened,
- bent,
- big-sounding,
- billowing,
- billowy,
- bowed,
- circuitous,
- circumlocutory,
- cockeyed,
- complex,
- complicated,
- confounded,
- confused,
- contorted,
- convoluted,
- convolutional,
- crabbed,
- crazy,
- crooked,
- crumpled,
- crunched,
- curvaceous,
- curvate,
- curvated,
- curve,
- curved,
- curvesome,
- curviform,
- curvilineal,
- curvilinear,
- curving,
- curvy,
- daedal,
- declamatory,
- departing,
- desultory,
- deviant,
- deviating,
- deviative,
- deviatory,
- devious,
- digressive,
- discursive,
- distorted,
- elaborate,
- elevated,
- embrangled,
- entangled,
- errant,
- erratic,
- euphuistic,
- excursive,
- flamboyant,
- flaming,
- flashy,
- flaunting,
- flexuose,
- flexuous,
- fouled up,
- fulsome,
- garish,
- gaudy,
- geosynclinal,
- gordian,
- grandiloquent,
- grandiose,
- grandisonant,
- high-flowing,
- high-flown,
- high-flying,
- high-sounding,
- highfalutin,
- implicated,
- incurvate,
- incurvated,
- incurved,
- incurving,
- indirect,
- inkhorn,
- intricate,
- involute,
- involuted,
- involutional,
- involved,
- irregular,
- knotted,
- knotty,
- labyrinthian,
- lexiphanic,
- lofty,
- lopsided,
- loused up,
- lurid,
- magniloquent,
- many-faceted,
- matted,
- mazy,
- meandering,
- meandrous,
- meretricious,
- messed up,
- mixed up,
- mucked up,
- multifarious,
- nonsymmetric,
- one-sided,
- orotund,
- ostentatious,
- out-of-the-way,
- overdone,
- overelaborate,
- overinvolved,
- overwrought,
- pedantic,
- perplexed,
- planetary,
- pompous,
- pretentious,
- rambling,
- ramified,
- recurvate,
- recurvated,
- recurved,
- recurving,
- rhetorical,
- rivose,
- rivulose,
- roundabout,
- roving,
- ruffled,
- screwed up,
- sensational,
- sensationalistic,
- sententious,
- serpentine,
- shifting,
- showy,
- sinuate,
- sinuose,
- sinuous,
- snaky,
- snarled,
- sonorous,
- sophisticated,
- sprung,
- stilted,
- stray,
- subtle,
- swerving,
- tall,
- tangled,
- tangly,
- torsional,
- tortile,
- tortuous,
- turning,
- twisted,
- twisting,
- twisty,
- undirected,
- undulant,
- unsymmetric,
- vagrant,
- veering,
- wandering,
- warped,
- wavy,
- whorled,
- winding,
- wreathlike,
- wreathy,
- zigzag