Exact Match:
- lackluster
- lacking luster or shine; "staring with lackluster eyes"; "lusterless hair"
- lacking brilliance or vitality; "a dull lackluster life"; "a lusterless performance"
- absence of color,
- achromatic,
- achromaticity,
- achromatism,
- achromic,
- anemic,
- ashen,
- ashy,
- betwixt and between,
- bled white,
- blind,
- bloodless,
- cadaverous,
- chloranemic,
- colorless,
- colorlessness,
- dead,
- deadened,
- deadly pale,
- deathly pale,
- dim,
- dimmed,
- dingy,
- discolored,
- drab,
- dull,
- dullness,
- etiolated,
- exsanguinated,
- exsanguine,
- exsanguineous,
- faded,
- faint,
- fair,
- fair to middling,
- fairish,
- fairishness,
- fallow,
- flat,
- ghastly,
- gray,
- haggard,
- hueless,
- huelessness,
- hypochromic,
- indifference,
- indifferent,
- insipid,
- leaden,
- lifeless,
- livid,
- lurid,
- lusterless,
- mat,
- mealy,
- mediocre,
- mediocreness,
- mediocrity,
- medium,
- middling,
- middlingness,
- moderate,
- moderateness,
- modest,
- modestness,
- modesty,
- muddy,
- muted,
- namby-pamby,
- neutral,
- of a kind,
- of a sort,
- of sorts,
- pale,
- pale as death,
- pale-faced,
- pallid,
- passable,
- passableness,
- pasty,
- prosaic,
- prosy,
- respectability,
- respectable,
- rusty,
- sallow,
- sickly,
- so-so,
- somber,
- tallow-faced,
- tarnished,
- tedious,
- tediousness,
- tolerable,
- tolerableness,
- toneless,
- tonelessness,
- uncolored,
- vapid,
- wan,
- washed-out,
- waxen,
- weak,
- whey-faced,
- white,
- wishy-washy