Exact Match:
- leap
- a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards
- the distance leaped (or to be leaped); "a leap of 10 feet"
- an abrupt transition; "a successful leap from college to the major leagues"
- pass abruptly from one state or topic to another; "leap into fame"; "jump to a conclusion"; "jump from one thing to another"
- accept,
- access,
- accession,
- accretion,
- accrual,
- accruement,
- accumulation,
- addition,
- advance,
- aggrandizement,
- amount,
- amplification,
- anabasis,
- appreciation,
- ascension,
- ascent,
- augmentation,
- avant-propos,
- ballooning,
- bloating,
- boom,
- boost,
- bounce,
- bound,
- breakthrough,
- broadening,
- buck,
- buckjump,
- buildup,
- bundle,
- bustle,
- caesura,
- caliber,
- canter,
- caper,
- capriole,
- cavort,
- chase,
- clamber,
- clear,
- clearance,
- climb,
- climbing,
- coinage,
- compass,
- crescendo,
- crowd,
- curvet,
- cut,
- dance,
- dash,
- dash off,
- dash on,
- degree,
- development,
- discontinuity,
- discovery,
- distance between,
- double space,
- double-time,
- edema,
- elevation,
- em space,
- en space,
- enlargement,
- escalade,
- escalation,
- exordium,
- expansion,
- extension,
- extent,
- festinate,
- flood,
- foreword,
- fountain,
- fox-trot,
- freeboard,
- frisk,
- frolic,
- front matter,
- frontispiece,
- gain,
- gallop,
- gambol,
- get,
- get going,
- get moving,
- git,
- grade,
- greatening,
- growth,
- gush,
- gyring up,
- hair space,
- half space,
- hasten,
- height,
- hiatus,
- hightail,
- hike,
- hippety-hop,
- hop,
- hop along,
- hotfoot,
- hurdle,
- hurry,
- hurry on,
- hurry through,
- hurry up,
- hurry-scurry,
- hustle,
- increase,
- increment,
- inflation,
- innovation,
- interim,
- intermediate space,
- interruption,
- interspace,
- interstice,
- interval,
- introduction,
- invention,
- jet,
- jump,
- jump at,
- jump over,
- lacuna,
- leap over,
- leapfrog,
- leeway,
- level,
- levitation,
- lope,
- lose no time,
- make haste,
- make tracks,
- margin,
- mark,
- measure,
- mount,
- mounting,
- move quickly,
- multiplication,
- negotiate,
- neologism,
- new phase,
- notch,
- novelty,
- nuance,
- overjump,
- overleap,
- overskip,
- overture,
- pas,
- peg,
- period,
- pitch,
- plane,
- plateau,
- plunge,
- point,
- post,
- postulate,
- pounce,
- pounce on,
- pounce upon,
- prance,
- preamble,
- preface,
- prefix,
- prefixture,
- preliminary,
- prelude,
- premise,
- press on,
- presupposition,
- productiveness,
- proem,
- prolegomena,
- prolegomenon,
- prolepsis,
- proliferation,
- prologue,
- proportion,
- protasis,
- push on,
- quickly,
- race,
- raise,
- range,
- rapidly,
- ratio,
- reach,
- remove,
- rise,
- rising,
- rocketing up,
- romp,
- room,
- round,
- run,
- rung,
- rush,
- rush through,
- saltation,
- scale,
- scamper,
- scope,
- scramble,
- scurry,
- scuttle,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shooting up,
- single space,
- ski jump,
- skip,
- skip over,
- snowballing,
- soaring,
- space,
- space between,
- speedily,
- spout,
- spread,
- spring,
- sprint,
- spurt,
- stair,
- standard,
- start,
- start aside,
- start up,
- steeplechase,
- step,
- step along,
- step lively,
- stint,
- surge,
- swelling,
- swiftly,
- take,
- takeoff,
- taking off,
- tear,
- time interval,
- tread,
- trip,
- trot,
- tumescence,
- up,
- upclimb,
- upcoming,
- updive,
- updraft,
- upgang,
- upgo,
- upgoing,
- upgrade,
- upgrowth,
- uphill,
- upleap,
- uplift,
- upping,
- uprisal,
- uprise,
- uprising,
- uprush,
- upshoot,
- upslope,
- upspring,
- upsurge,
- upsurgence,
- upsweep,
- upswing,
- uptrend,
- upturn,
- vault,
- verse,
- voluntary,
- waxing,
- widening,
- zooming