Exact Match:
- lot
- a parcel of land having fixed boundaries; "he bought a lot on the lake"
- (Old Testament) nephew of Abraham; God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah but chose to spare Lot and his family who were told to flee without looking back at the destruction
- divide into lots, as of land, for example
- A to Z,
- A to izzard,
- Friday,
- Friday the thirteenth,
- a mass of,
- a world of,
- abundance,
- accidentality,
- acres,
- actuarial calculation,
- adventitiousness,
- affluence,
- aggregate,
- aggregation,
- all,
- all and sundry,
- allocate,
- allot,
- allotment,
- allow,
- allowance,
- alpha and omega,
- amount,
- ample sufficiency,
- ampleness,
- amplitude,
- appoint,
- appointed lot,
- apportion,
- appropriate to,
- army,
- array,
- assemblage,
- assign,
- assign to,
- astral influences,
- astrology,
- avalanche,
- bank,
- barrel,
- batch,
- be-all,
- be-all and end-all,
- bearings,
- beginning and end,
- bevy,
- big end,
- bigger half,
- bit,
- bite,
- block,
- blood,
- board lot,
- body,
- bonanza,
- book of fate,
- bountifulness,
- bountiousness,
- brand,
- break,
- breed,
- budget,
- build on,
- bumper crop,
- bunch,
- bundle,
- calculate,
- call,
- case,
- cast,
- cast lots,
- casualness,
- chance,
- character,
- chattels real,
- chunk,
- circle,
- circumstance,
- clan,
- clearing,
- clos,
- close,
- cloud,
- clump,
- cluster,
- clutch,
- clutter,
- color,
- commission,
- complement,
- condition,
- conglomerate,
- conglomeration,
- considerable,
- constellation,
- contingent,
- copiousness,
- copse,
- count,
- count on,
- covey,
- croft,
- crop,
- crowd,
- cup,
- cut,
- cut lots,
- cut the cards,
- deal,
- decree,
- demesne,
- denomination,
- depend,
- description,
- designation,
- destination,
- destine,
- destiny,
- detail,
- dies funestis,
- dividend,
- dole,
- domain,
- doom,
- dose,
- draw lots,
- draw straws,
- dummy share,
- each and every,
- earmark,
- enclave,
- end,
- equal share,
- estate,
- even lot,
- everything,
- extravagance,
- exuberance,
- fatality,
- fate,
- feather,
- fertility,
- field,
- fix,
- flight,
- flock,
- flocks,
- flood,
- flow,
- flukiness,
- foison,
- footing,
- foredoom,
- foreordination,
- form,
- fortuitousness,
- fortuity,
- fortune,
- forty,
- fractional lot,
- frontage,
- full lot,
- full measure,
- fullness,
- future,
- gamble,
- game,
- generosity,
- generousness,
- genre,
- genus,
- give,
- gob,
- gobs,
- good deal,
- good fortune,
- good luck,
- grain,
- great abundance,
- great deal,
- great plenty,
- grounds,
- group,
- grouping,
- groupment,
- grove,
- gush,
- hail,
- half,
- halver,
- hap,
- happenstance,
- happy chance,
- hassock,
- heap,
- heaps,
- heedless hap,
- helping,
- hive,
- holding,
- holdings,
- honor,
- host,
- how they fall,
- hunk,
- ides of March,
- ilk,
- indeterminacy,
- indeterminateness,
- inevitability,
- interest,
- jam,
- kidney,
- kin,
- kind,
- kismet,
- knot,
- kraal,
- label,
- land,
- landed property,
- lands,
- landslide,
- large amount,
- lashings,
- lavishness,
- law of averages,
- legion,
- length and breadth,
- liberality,
- liberalness,
- line,
- loads,
- location,
- lots,
- luck,
- lump,
- luxuriance,
- make,
- make assignments,
- making,
- manner,
- manor,
- many,
- mark,
- mark off,
- mark out for,
- mass,
- masses of,
- match coins,
- maximum,
- measure,
- meed,
- mess,
- messuage,
- mete out,
- mint,
- mob,
- modality,
- mode,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- moira,
- mold,
- more than enough,
- much,
- muchness,
- multiplicity,
- multitude,
- myriad,
- myriads,
- nature,
- nest,
- number,
- numbers,
- numerousness,
- odd lot,
- one and all,
- oodles,
- opportunity,
- opulence,
- opulency,
- ordain,
- outpouring,
- overflow,
- pack,
- package,
- package deal,
- pale,
- parcel,
- parcel of land,
- part,
- pass,
- patch,
- peck,
- percentage,
- persuasion,
- phylum,
- pickle,
- piece,
- pile,
- piles,
- place,
- planets,
- plat,
- play,
- play at dice,
- play the ponies,
- plenitude,
- plenteousness,
- plentifulness,
- plenty,
- plight,
- plot,
- plot of ground,
- plurality,
- portion,
- portion off,
- position,
- posture,
- pot,
- power,
- praedium,
- predestination,
- predetermination,
- predicament,
- preference share,
- prevalence,
- principle of indeterminacy,
- probability,
- problematicness,
- prodigality,
- productiveness,
- profuseness,
- profusion,
- property,
- proportion,
- push,
- quad,
- quadrangle,
- quadrat,
- quantities,
- quantity,
- quantum,
- quite a few,
- quite a little,
- quota,
- race,
- raffle off,
- raft,
- rafts,
- rake-off,
- random sample,
- rank,
- ration,
- real estate,
- real property,
- realty,
- reckon on,
- repleteness,
- repletion,
- reserve,
- restrict,
- restrict to,
- rich harvest,
- rich vein,
- richness,
- riot,
- riotousness,
- risk,
- round lot,
- rout,
- ruck,
- run,
- run of luck,
- scads,
- schedule,
- scores,
- section,
- segment,
- serendipity,
- set,
- set apart,
- set aside,
- set off,
- shape,
- share,
- shoal,
- shock,
- shoot craps,
- shower,
- sight,
- situation,
- slew,
- slews,
- slice,
- small amount,
- small share,
- sort,
- spate,
- species,
- speculate,
- sport,
- spot,
- stack,
- stacks,
- stake,
- stamp,
- standing,
- stars,
- state,
- station,
- statistical probability,
- status,
- stock,
- stockholding,
- stockholdings,
- stook,
- strain,
- stream,
- stripe,
- style,
- substantiality,
- substantialness,
- sum,
- superabundance,
- swarm,
- tag,
- teemingness,
- tenements,
- the breaks,
- the corpus,
- the ensemble,
- the entirety,
- the like of,
- the likes of,
- the lot,
- the whole,
- the whole range,
- theory of probability,
- thicket,
- throng,
- tidy sum,
- toft,
- toss,
- tract,
- tribe,
- trust in,
- tuft,
- tussock,
- type,
- uncertainty,
- uncertainty principle,
- unlucky day,
- variety,
- wad,
- wads,
- wealth,
- weird,
- whatever comes,
- wheel of fortune,
- whole slew,
- will of Heaven,
- wisp,
- worlds of