Exact Match:
- mass
- (Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches) the celebration of the Eucharist
- the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field
- a sequence of prayers constituting the Christian Eucharistic rite; "the priest said Mass"
- a musical setting for a Mass; "they played a Mass composed by Beethoven"
- an ill-structured collection of similar things (objects or people)
- a body of matter without definite shape; "a huge ice mass"
- join together into a mass or collect or form a mass; "Crowds were massing outside the palace"
- Agnus Dei,
- Alleluia,
- Anamnesis,
- Blessing,
- Canon,
- Collect,
- Communion,
- Consecration,
- Credo,
- Dismissal,
- Dry Mass,
- Epistle,
- Eucharistic rites,
- Fraction,
- Gloria,
- Gospel,
- Gradual,
- Introit,
- Kyrie,
- Kyrie Eleison,
- Lady Mass,
- Last Gospel,
- Lavabo,
- Low Mass,
- Missa,
- Missa bassa,
- Missa cantata,
- Missa legata,
- Missa media,
- Missa praesanctificatorum,
- Missa privata,
- Missa publica,
- Missa sicca,
- Offertory,
- Paternoster,
- Pax,
- Post-Communion,
- Preface,
- Requiem Mass,
- Rosary,
- Rosary Mass,
- Sanctus,
- Secreta,
- Tersanctus,
- Tract,
- bedtime prayer,
- camp meeting,
- church,
- church service,
- compline,
- devotions,
- dirge,
- divine service,
- duty,
- evening devotions,
- evensong,
- exercises,
- lauds,
- liturgy,
- matins,
- meeting,
- morning devotions,
- night song,
- none,
- nones,
- novena,
- office,
- praise meeting,
- prayer,
- prayer meeting,
- prayers,
- prime,
- prime song,
- public worship,
- requiem,
- revival,
- revival meeting,
- service,
- sext,
- tent meeting,
- the Divine Liturgy,
- the Liturgy,
- tierce,
- undersong,
- vesper,
- vespers,
- vigils,
- watch meeting,
- watch night,
- watch-night service