Exact Match:
- matted
- tangled in a dense mass; "tried to push through the matted undergrowth"
- Byzantine,
- balled up,
- bristly,
- bushy,
- cirrose,
- complex,
- complicated,
- confounded,
- confused,
- convoluted,
- crabbed,
- daedal,
- devious,
- disheveled,
- elaborate,
- embrangled,
- entangled,
- fleecy,
- flocculent,
- fouled up,
- furry,
- fuzzy,
- hairy,
- hirsute,
- hispid,
- implicated,
- intricate,
- involuted,
- involved,
- knotted,
- labyrinthian,
- labyrinthine,
- lanate,
- loused up,
- many-faceted,
- mazy,
- meandering,
- messed up,
- mixed up,
- mucked up,
- multifarious,
- mussed up,
- perplexed,
- pilose,
- pubescent,
- ramified,
- roundabout,
- ruffled,
- rumpled,
- screwed up,
- shagged,
- shaggy,
- snaggy,
- snarled,
- subtle,
- tangled,
- tangly,
- tousled,
- tously,
- tumbled,
- twisted,
- uncombed,
- unshorn,
- woolly