a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention; "he made a bad mistake"; "she was quick to point out my errors"; "I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults"
an understanding of something that is not correct; "he wasn't going to admit his mistake"; "make no mistake about his intentions"; "there must be some misunderstanding--I don't have a sister"
identify incorrectly; "Don't mistake her for her twin sister"
not acceptable; not welcome; "a word unacceptable in polite society"; "an unacceptable violation of personal freedom"
not adequate to give satisfaction; "the coach told his players that defeat was unacceptable"
not conforming to standard usage; "the following use of `access' was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists; `You can access your cash at any of 300 automatic tellers'"
the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason; "it required unnatural torturing to extract a confession"
unbearable physical pain
subject to torture; "The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible"
in an incorrect manner; "to credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely"
in an insincerely false manner; "a seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise, bathe and dress, chat falsely about this and that, and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened"
designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently; "the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm"; "deliberately deceptive packaging"; "a misleading similarity"; "statistics can be presented in ways that are misleading"; "shoddy business practices"
causing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true; "deceptive calm"; "a delusory pleasure"
the area around the eastern Mediterranean; from Turkey to northern Africa and eastward to Iran; the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam; had continuous economic and political turmoil in the 20th century; "the Middle East is the cradle of Western civilization"
too small or unimportant to merit attention; "passed his life in an inconsiderable village"; "their duties were inconsiderable"; "had no inconsiderable influence"
without a basis in reason or fact; "baseless gossip"; "the allegations proved groundless"; "idle fears"; "unfounded suspicions"; "unwarranted jealousy"
the act of officially naming a candidate; "the Republican nomination for Governor"
the condition of having been proposed as a suitable candidate for appointment or election; "there was keen competition for the nomination"; "his nomination was hotly protested"