Exact Match:
- mission
- the organized work of a religious missionary
- a special assignment that is given to a person or group; "a confidential mission to London"; "his charge was deliver a message"
- an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters; "the planes were on a bombing mission"
- an organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work
- accredit,
- action,
- activity,
- adventure,
- agency,
- agentship,
- aim,
- air cover,
- air raid,
- air support,
- allegiance,
- amphibious operations,
- art,
- assign,
- assigned task,
- assignment,
- authority,
- authorization,
- authorize,
- basilica,
- bethel,
- bombing,
- bounden duty,
- brevet,
- burden,
- business,
- busywork,
- call of duty,
- calling,
- care,
- career,
- career building,
- careerism,
- cathedral,
- cathedral church,
- chare,
- charge,
- charter,
- chore,
- church,
- church house,
- combined operations,
- commission,
- commissioning,
- commit,
- commitment,
- committee,
- consign,
- consignment,
- conventicle,
- cover,
- craft,
- cure,
- dedication,
- deference,
- delegate,
- delegated authority,
- delegation,
- deputation,
- depute,
- deputize,
- detach,
- detail,
- devoir,
- devolute,
- devolution,
- devolve,
- devolve upon,
- devolvement,
- devotion,
- dry run,
- duomo,
- duties and responsibilities,
- duty,
- embassy,
- empower,
- empowerment,
- emprise,
- entrust,
- entrusting,
- entrustment,
- errand,
- ethics,
- executorship,
- exequatur,
- exercise,
- expedition,
- exploration,
- factorship,
- fealty,
- fish to fry,
- fluid operations,
- full power,
- function,
- game,
- give in charge,
- group,
- handicraft,
- homage,
- homework,
- house of God,
- house of prayer,
- house of worship,
- imperative,
- job,
- job of work,
- jurisdiction,
- kirk,
- labor,
- legation,
- license,
- lieutenancy,
- lifework,
- line,
- line of business,
- line of duty,
- line of work,
- logistics,
- loyalty,
- make-work,
- mandate,
- maneuver,
- maneuvers,
- matters in hand,
- meetinghouse,
- metier,
- military operations,
- milk run,
- ministry,
- minor basilica,
- minor operations,
- movement,
- must,
- mystery,
- number,
- objective,
- obligation,
- occupation,
- odd job,
- office,
- onus,
- operation,
- operations,
- ought,
- overseas operations,
- patriarchal basilica,
- piece of work,
- pilgrimage,
- place,
- place of worship,
- plenipotentiary power,
- post,
- power of attorney,
- power to act,
- practice,
- procuration,
- profession,
- project,
- proxy,
- purpose,
- pursuit,
- purview,
- quest,
- racket,
- reconnaissance,
- reconnaissance mission,
- regency,
- regentship,
- respect,
- responsibility,
- scramble,
- self-imposed duty,
- send out,
- service,
- shuttle raid,
- sortie,
- specialization,
- specialty,
- staff work,
- stint,
- strafing,
- subcommittee,
- task,
- things to do,
- trade,
- training mission,
- transfer,
- trust,
- trusteeship,
- umbrella,
- undertaking,
- vicarious authority,
- vocation,
- walk,
- walk of life,
- war game,
- war plans,
- warrant,
- work