Exact Match:
- mutilation
- an injury that deprives you of a limb or other important body part
- abrasion,
- abscission,
- amputation,
- annihilation,
- bankruptcy,
- blemish,
- bowlegs,
- break,
- breakage,
- breakdown,
- burn,
- butchering,
- camelback,
- chafe,
- check,
- chip,
- chopping,
- cleavage,
- cleft palate,
- clubfoot,
- collapse,
- concussion,
- crack,
- crack-up,
- crackle,
- craze,
- crippling,
- crookback,
- cut,
- cutting,
- damage,
- defacement,
- deformation,
- deformity,
- destruction,
- detriment,
- dichotomy,
- dilapidation,
- disablement,
- disfigurement,
- disrepair,
- elimination,
- encroachment,
- enucleation,
- eradication,
- excision,
- exclusion,
- extinction,
- extirpation,
- fission,
- flash burn,
- flatfoot,
- fracture,
- fray,
- frazzle,
- freakishness,
- gall,
- gash,
- harelip,
- harm,
- hobbling,
- humpback,
- hunchback,
- hurt,
- hurting,
- impairment,
- incapacitation,
- incision,
- infringement,
- injury,
- inroad,
- knock-knee,
- kyphosis,
- laceration,
- lesion,
- lordosis,
- loss,
- maiming,
- malconformation,
- malformation,
- mayhem,
- mischief,
- misproportion,
- misshape,
- monstrosity,
- mortal wound,
- puncture,
- rending,
- rent,
- rescission,
- resection,
- rip,
- ripping,
- ruination,
- ruinousness,
- run,
- rupture,
- sabotage,
- scald,
- scathe,
- scission,
- scorch,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- scuff,
- second-degree burn,
- section,
- severance,
- sickening,
- slash,
- slashing,
- slicing,
- sore,
- splayfoot,
- splitting,
- spoiling,
- stab,
- stab wound,
- surgery,
- swayback,
- talipes,
- tear,
- tearing,
- teratology,
- third-degree burn,
- torticollis,
- trauma,
- truncation,
- valgus,
- weakening,
- wound,
- wounds immedicable,
- wrench,
- wryneck