Exact Match:
- negate
- prove negative; show to be false
- abate,
- abnegate,
- abolish,
- abrogate,
- agree to disagree,
- annihilate,
- annul,
- be at cross-purposes,
- be contrary to,
- be unmoved,
- be unwilling,
- beg off,
- belie,
- blow sky-high,
- blow up,
- break,
- break off,
- bring to naught,
- bring to nothing,
- buffer,
- call into question,
- cancel,
- cancel out,
- challenge,
- clash,
- collide,
- come to nothing,
- conflict,
- contest,
- contradict,
- contravene,
- controvert,
- counter,
- counteract,
- counterbalance,
- countercheck,
- cross,
- decline,
- decline to accept,
- deflate,
- deny,
- differ,
- disaccord,
- disaffirm,
- disagree,
- disallow,
- disbelieve,
- disclaim,
- disconfirm,
- discredit,
- disprove,
- dissent,
- explode,
- expose,
- frustrate,
- gag on,
- gainsay,
- hold out against,
- impugn,
- invalidate,
- jangle,
- jar,
- jostle,
- misbelieve,
- mismatch,
- mismate,
- negativate,
- negative,
- neutralize,
- not admit,
- not believe,
- not buy,
- not consent,
- not hear of,
- not swallow,
- not think of,
- nullify,
- object,
- offset,
- oppugn,
- prove the contrary,
- puncture,
- quash,
- rebut,
- redress,
- refuse,
- refuse consent,
- refuse to admit,
- refuse to credit,
- reject,
- repeal,
- repudiate,
- resist entreaty,
- resist persuasion,
- revoke,
- say nay,
- say no,
- shake the head,
- show up,
- stand aloof,
- stultify,
- thwart,
- traverse,
- turn down,
- unbelieve,
- undercut,
- undo,
- vary,
- vitiate,
- void,
- vote nay,
- vote negatively